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angel fish

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Any bro or sis who owns a car & free on every Saturday noon? Willing to pay you $15 an hour to fetch

me chiong all LFS on every Saturday for 4 to 6 hours from 2pm to 6 or 8pm. Interested in marine fishes

& corals & familiar with roads to all LFS in Lim Chu Kang, Pasir Ris, Clementi, Macpherson, Bukit

Merah, Seletar west, Jalan Selaseh, Upper Serangoon, etc. Journey start/end at my home void deck in

AMK. Interested kindly PM me your name & tel. no for dicussion. Thks.

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Bro. No need to go all lfs in one day and every week Lah.

Keep watching Weekly update post, u can just go those lfs got New stock u Interested

Is about passion lah. Seek it, found it, like it then bought it home & successfully rear it. He he.

Already kena poison by this hobby long time ago since those days when Reborn was at Pasir panjang & Sea Life was at Chun Tin Road.

Anyway, I don't own a car so hire it & at same time can share experiences with a potential new reefer friend. Cheers

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Veri siong to travel whole Singapore LFS with the 4~6 hours leh...!

I agree to bro tropic said...concentrate one zone per trip will be better.. :rolleyes:!


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Veri siong to travel whole Singapore LFS with the 4~6 hours leh...!

I agree to bro tropic said...concentrate one zone per trip will be better.. :rolleyes:!

I agree with Bro James. Most reefers have their few favorite LFS that they frequent and hang out more often than the rest. But hardly hear people chiong whole island over 4-6 hours, sure drive till ZZzzZZz... Hahaha... Just my own thoughts only...

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I agree with Bro James. Most reefers have their few favorite LFS that they frequent and hang out more often than the rest. But hardly hear people chiong whole island over 4-6 hours, sure drive till ZZzzZZz... Hahaha... Just my own thoughts only...

I chiong cf lck and pasir ris over one day. Abt 3 hrs in total. So 6 hours is doable.

But I don't do it every weekend. Depends on weather and schedule and contents of shipment.

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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I chiong cf lck and pasir ris over one day. Abt 3 hrs in total. So 6 hours is doable.

But I don't do it every weekend. Depends on weather and schedule and contents of shipment.

Where there's a will, there's always a way to do it if you've got passion for your hobby.

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