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water change

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Depending on your tank's volume, your bioload & what livestock u are keeping inside. Purpose of water change or WC(in short) is to reduce NO3, PO4 & replenish important traces elements. Smaller tanks require more frequent WC due to NO3 & PO4 build up faster in terms of concentration compared to larger tanks (more volume of water) & WC for these smaller/nano are being conducted almost weekly(light bioload, FOWLR, soft corals) & every other few days (heavy bioload, corals, SPS). For larger tanks, 2ft & above, again depending on above for nanos, WC are being conducted, monthly, twice a month or weekly. It will be good to provide us with more info on your tank volume & what u intend to keep inside for us to provide more concise advices for u. Salt mixes are basically salts (dried crystal form) harvested from some oceans. Sea water is being dried up using modern technology & extra elements, are added, Ca, Mg or KH. Those with added elements sea salt are meant for reef tanks. For those without, they will be used in FOWLR or some less demanding soft corals. Sea water/ NSW will be in liquid form. Sea water are also taken from the ocean & go thro' filtration before been sold in plastic bags or containers to those who find it a hassle to mix sea salt with RO/DI water. However, sea water will contain benefical bacteria & nasty ones. For those using salt mix, benefical bacteria can be bought & added.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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hi all ,

anyone can enlighten on marine water change ? is there an alternative that only top up NSW once in a month or so ? is salt mix a solution ? I am no expert on this and would like some advise pls .tks

Ya,water change can be done monthly if u have low bioload.(less live stocks).
Once high the WC should be done regularly,

Depending on your tank's volume, your bioload & what livestock u are keeping inside. Purpose of water change or WC(in short) is to reduce NO3, PO4 & replenish important traces elements. Smaller tanks require more frequent WC due to NO3 & PO4 build up faster in terms of concentration compared to larger tanks (more volume of water) & WC for these smaller/nano are being conducted almost weekly(light bioload, FOWLR, soft corals) & every other few days (heavy bioload, corals, SPS). For larger tanks, 2ft & above, again depending on above for nanos, WC are being conducted, monthly, twice a month or weekly. It will be good to provide us with more info on your tank volume & what u intend to keep inside for us to provide more concise advices for u. Salt mixes are basically salts (dried crystal form) harvested from some oceans. Sea water is being dried up using modern technology & extra elements, are added, Ca, Mg or KH. Those with added elements sea salt are meant for reef tanks. For those without, they will be used in FOWLR or some less demanding soft corals. Sea water/ NSW will be in liquid form. Sea water are also taken from the ocean & go thro' filtration before been sold in plastic bags or containers to those who find it a hassle to mix sea salt with RO/DI water. However, sea water will contain benefical bacteria & nasty ones. For those using salt mix, benefical bacteria can be bought & added.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

many thanks for advise ..

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