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Sump tank design

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Any bro here using the guideline of 75% from main tank to skimmer and 25% to refuge design here as suggested by reefkeeping.com? Any good idea of how the sump tank (3 feet) should be design if I am going to include a refuge. The main tank is 4 feet.



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  • SRC Member

You may consider replacing the ceramic rings with skimmer for that compartment and on the first compartment add in filter socks.

Below the filter socks you could also look into adding baterial king if you want additional surface for bateria to multiply.



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Eheim Universal 2400

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No issue with your design and the recommendation by Reefkeeping.

And I agree and disagree with the bio rings. True it will contribute nitrate build up but with proper management of the rings by allowing proper water flow and detrius management you can host a good bed of bacteria inside the rings. Also invest in good branded bio rings. Bacteria king, Sera Siporax and biohome are some.

Using biohome requires some weekly maintainence work to shake and free detrius from it.

Otherwise all three medias are good for use.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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I had the unfortunate incident like u mentioned. Mine's a 2ft tank. The sock got clogged up and overflow out the sump :cry2:

Also I felt my 3400l/h pump too strong for the 4inx4in sock compartment part of the cause. I changed to a slower rate pump since

Thanks. but adding filter socks increase chance of potential flooding?

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On your diagram, I don't see why you need the middle ball valve.

If you use a filter sock holder, the brim of the sock should be lower than the edge of your sump tank. Water would overflow into your sump rather than out of your sump when the sock clogs.


BTW, try to get the 7" sock rather than the 4" type so it doesn't clog up so quick.

If you don't have filter sock before bio rings, dirt will accumulate very fast in the rings. Every time you dig them out for cleaning, you'll see a cloud of shit being sent back into the display tank. (I shit you not bro.)

For the record, I'm not a filter sock seller. :whistle

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replacing ceramic ring compartment with skimmer on your first diagram have a huge risk of micro bubbles.

agree with bro marcovan that if handled well such as ample flow, these media will provide more help then harm. :)

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