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Need help for lighting

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  • SRC Member

fellow reefers,

Need some advice on lightings.

my tank is 42x30x24 inches and I'm using a 250w MH at 14k.

livestock I'm looking at are fish and some LPS.

Is my 250w MH lighting overkill for my setup?

if I would like to convert to LEDs, what should I go for? totally clueless about LEDs.

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  • SRC Member

Depending on wat u keep. If u are keeping mainly SPS, then it should be overkill. But light acclimation is important for new stocks. MH is strong. To convert to LED, AI hydra should be nice, radion can be consider too but beware of the fan break down issue on radion. Get those LED lightset that have other colors beside blue & white if u have other options, example green, red, warm white LED. IMO, i would set the program to go as much as possible to 16k, even for MH bulbs, 20k, for marine tanks as my SPS can survive better, under blue lights.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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Yes, most of the LED comes from china. However, different brands customise the arrangements of the LEDs, usuage of the types & number of colors are different. As such, the spectrum of the lights they give out is different, most should be quite close to what the lights gurus/ users can accept based on corals reactions. Another most noticable differences is the controller features to control the lights, whether they are user friendly, easy to program 10k, 16k, 14k, 20k...etc. Orphek altantik is slightly different as they emphasis on PUR, built based on their own R&D. Of course, depth penetration of this lightset is also considered. Most other brand lightsets so far i only notice they talk about only PAR, of course, they have their own R&D to further improve theirs.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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