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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 19 Aug 2013 - 25 Aug 2013

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  • Senior Reefer

Cairns Marine australia shipment at Iwarna soon.

the following rare fish are up for pre-order. please express interest if interested.

Pseudocoris aequalis - A Cairns Marine exclusive wrasse, endemic to the australian coral sea. the male is an amazing aquamarine blue color. i saw one in real life in blueharbor japan and i was very impressed. interested please contact Fuel.

O. velifera (Sailfin dottyback) - Rare dottyback from australia. Gorgeous sailfin with a unique lanceolate sword tail. not expensive and very beautiful but highly aggressive and a big dottyback, so plan your stocking before committing. if intereste please contact Fuel.




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Where to get foxface 2inch or less in any of our lfs? The normal ones.. yellow with black and white striped face..

My Simple Tank Spec

Main Tank LPS and Softies 4x2x2.5ft

Sump Tank 2.5x1.5x1.5ft with lots of LR

Remote Sump Tank 2x1x1ft dsb refugium with chaeto, mangroves and Gracilaria curtissae macroalgae

DIY LED with 6x 3W Blue and 6x 3W White main tank light

DIY LED with 1x 3W Blue and 1x 3W Red refugium light

DIY LED 1x 1W Blue moonlighting

Now convert to skimmerless Tank

1 x Rio 14HF Return Pump

1 x SunSun JVP-102 wavemaker

1 x 2x1 vertical Algae Turf Scrubber with 2x 10W LED Warm White

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Ah beng @ 930: Flame angel, royal gramma, skunk cleaners, fire shrimp, camel shrimp, yt, naso, skunk tile, powder brown, sailfin tang, mimic tang, foxface... And the usual stuff

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Shipment arriving tonight/tomorrow morning at Iwarna.

Flame angelfish

Potteri angelfish

Goldflake juvenile

2 x small bandits (about 2") (>2K)

2 x medium bandits (3-4") (<2K)

12 x Achilles Tangs

Kole Tangs

2 x Goldenback triggerfish (uncommon) (>1K)

3 x Bluethroat Crosshatch hybrid triggerfish (uncommon) (<1K)

Hawaiin cleaner wrasse

Geoffroy Leopard Wrasse

1 x Juvenile Bodianus sanguines (uncommon) (>2K)

1 x Medium Holanthias fuscipennis (uncommon) (>2K)

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Always something more important than fish.


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  • Senior Reefer

Shipment arriving tonight/tomorrow morning at Iwarna.

Flame angelfish

Potteri angelfish

Goldflake juvenile

2 x small bandits (about 2") (>2K)

2 x medium bandits (3-4") (<2K)

12 x Achilles Tangs

Kole Tangs

2 x Goldenback triggerfish (uncommon) (>1K)

3 x Bluethroat Crosshatch hybrid triggerfish (uncommon) (<1K)

Hawaiin cleaner wrasse

Geoffroy Leopard Wrasse

1 x Juvenile Bodianus sanguines (uncommon) (>2K)

1 x Medium Holanthias fuscipennis (uncommon) (>2K)

sanguineus hogfish 4 star

fuscipinnis anthias 4 star

goldenback triggers!! 4 star

bluethroat x crosshatch hybrid. Amazing and rare hybrid! 3 pieces summore! 4 star

those who want to try healthy and small feeding bandits with higher than normal success rates please do try these. they are caught by famed deepwater diver Rufus kimura. Rufus is at the top of the game when it comes to deepwater fish collection, and he has single handedly collected some of the rarest and deepest fish like narcosis, peppermint angels, basabei and excelsa butterflies etc etc

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sanguineus hogfish 4 star

fuscipinnis anthias 4 star

goldenback triggers!! 4 star

bluethroat x crosshatch hybrid. Amazing and rare hybrid! 3 pieces summore! 4 star


those who want to try healthy and small feeding bandits with higher than normal success rates please do try these. they are caught by famed deepwater diver Rufus kimura. Rufus is at the top of the game when it comes to deepwater fish collection, and he has single handedly collected some of the rarest and deepest fish like narcosis, peppermint angels, basabei and excelsa butterflies etc etc

Lemon you got any picture of this hybrid crosshatch try to search online umable to get clear picture

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  • Senior Reefer

Lemon you got any picture of this hybrid crosshatch try to search online umable to get clear picture

there are limited pieces in the trade. so far LiveAquaria and pacific island aquafarm has had them before.

here's one from PIA i posted awhile ago on reefbuilders.

being hybrids, no two pieces are the same and individual specimens will exhibit different amount of parent traits. i.e, some will look more crosshatch or some will look more blue throat. this one here has a nice mix of both parent genes and shows abit of the blue on its face. the nicest thing about this hybrid trigger is the beautiful cellophane type tail.

there are 3 pieces tomorrow if i'm not wrong. all three will be different and you can select the one you find the nicest.


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  • Senior Reefer

goldenback triggers are rare and one of the most beautiful. they are also peaceful and reefsafe planktivores with small mouths. a great show fish for a big reef or a FOWLR tank.



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Where to get foxface 2inch or less in any of our lfs? The normal ones.. yellow with black and white striped face..

Bro, saw 1 pcs at ah beng this morning... Abt 2 inch, but doesnt look very healthy


Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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there are limited pieces in the trade. so far LiveAquaria and pacific island aquafarm has had them before.


here's one from PIA i posted awhile ago on reefbuilders.


being hybrids, no two pieces are the same and individual specimens will exhibit different amount of parent traits. i.e, some will look more crosshatch or some will look more blue throat. this one here has a nice mix of both parent genes and shows abit of the blue on its face. the nicest thing about this hybrid trigger is the beautiful cellophane type tail.


there are 3 pieces tomorrow if i'm not wrong. all three will be different and you can select the one you find the nicest.

Thank alot for explaining. Crosshatch one of my favourite fish.
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Any east side bro going lck now?

Tank and Equipments Used:-

Tank Size: 3x1.5x2

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Lighting: DE 36 Inch T5 Retrofit 6 x 39 Watts | 5 ATI Blue Plus & 1 ATI Special Blue.

Wavemaker: 1x WP-40 | 1x SUNSUN 5000ltr/hr


Skimz ideas FR: Running ROWAPHOS (FEEDER PUMP: RESUN 1000)

Enductor FR: Running NP Biopellet (FEEDER PUMP: AQUABEE 1000)

Chaeto in sump

~ Watching my tank matures and progressing day by day , gives me great satisfactory


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Shipment arriving tonight/tomorrow morning at Iwarna.

Flame angelfish

Potteri angelfish

Goldflake juvenile

2 x small bandits (about 2") (>2K)

2 x medium bandits (3-4") (<2K)

12 x Achilles Tangs

Kole Tangs

2 x Goldenback triggerfish (uncommon) (>1K)

3 x Bluethroat Crosshatch hybrid triggerfish (uncommon) (<1K)

Hawaiin cleaner wrasse

Geoffroy Leopard Wrasse

1 x Juvenile Bodianus sanguines (uncommon) (>2K)

1 x Medium Holanthias fuscipennis (uncommon) (>2K)

Arriving 2-3am.

Always something more important than fish.


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