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Can coral put in fish only tank?

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  • SRC Member

for beginners start wif soft corals.... like buttons n mushrooms.... easy to keep n maintain... lightning wise PL is enough.... additives add iodine.... no need calcium or whatever... those are for hard corals.... or if u want to keep ur liverocks looking pinkish purple.....

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  • SRC Member

U add wad is depends on what u wanna keep lo...

biweekly water change is help to get rid of no3.

maybe u would like to tell us more what u r planing to keep and what ur tank size and so on?

chiller? skimmer?

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  • SRC Member

i planning to keep anemone or froqspawn or bubble corals...becoz i got 2 false clownfish and 1 saddleback clownfish.im using...

2 feet tank

1 PL light 55w

jebao cannister filter

"AA" protein skimmer

.: fish :.

1 six line warsse

2 false clownfish

1 bangaii cardinal

1 saddleback clownfish

1 fire goby


4kg liverocks

3 tubeworm

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What lavel of the PH and KH I should maintain in order to growth the coral? and not harm to the fish.

I am current having 3 feet tank. with 20 KGs Liverock. Keeping 1 clown fish and 3 damsel. Anybody can advise on this. Also possible to have 2 clownfish in same tank as I tried but next day another passed away... suspect bully by another clown fish...

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Marine fish-keeping and keeping a reef tank is NOT the same.

If you put corals into a FO tank... you have to provide your corals with a lot more care.. and often than not, it means you have to remove incompatible fish... upgrade your lights, invest in something to cool your water. get ALL your water parameters in line with what corals BASICALLY expects etc.

Its a whole different ball game... you have to spend more money compared to just keeping a FOWLR tank.

Consider carefully... and do not compromise with yourself.

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  • SRC Member
if i buy 2 PL lights 55w can i keep anemones?...erm...for 2 feet tank.i need how many kg of liferocks?

As a beginner, avoid anemones as when they die they will poison the whole tank if you don't take it out in time. Furthermore they move around a lot until they find a place to settle in and when they move they will also have chemical warfare with nearby corals, better to avoid to start off with until you get more experience.

Better go to a local bookshop to read and do some research. Check out this website www.wetwebmedia.com for more into. same goes to hwcheong.

For reef (corals and fishes) tank, you need to invest in a chiller and metal halides, otherwise most corals will not live long. For 2'ft tank you need to change water more frequent, aboput 10-15% per week.

For filtration, advise you to use a refugium.

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  • SRC Member
the fish no sick har?u put so little rocks... hey but i never use parameter i daredevil :evil: haha.. i just pit the corals in onli can put 3 to 4 every week too many will die... than yesterday buy my corals just put inside today open already... :peace:

is it just me or I find it very hard to understand what you just said? ... <_<

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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