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When posting a question, we will need you to provide us as much information as you can about your system, with as much details as possible being given so as to help the rest of us analyse and troubleshoot your problems faster and easier.

Some of the pertinent details should include:

1. How old is your system, inclusive of the cycling period.

2. What kind of system type are you running in terms of natural filtration (Jaubert, Berlin, modified berlin, DSB, etc).

3. System volume including sump.

4. Water flow (incl equipment used to achieve it).

5. Filtration type (refugium, skimmer, skimmerless etc).

6. Additional filtration types (chemical eg. GAC, polyfilters etc and mechanical eg. filter wool)

7. Lighting photoperiod, scheme, color temp, type and wattage (NO flourescents, T5, Power compacts, Metal halides).

8. Water parameters (esp. salinity, ammonia, nitrites/nitrates, temperature, calcium, alkalinity, PH etc)

9. Test kits used to measure the above (brand names and age of test kits).

10. Stocking of your tank (number & types of coral, fish, inverts, etc).

11. Additives used (kalkwasser, B-Ionic, calcium reactor, trace elements etc).

12. Feeding (types of food and feeding schedule).

13. The last thing you remember doing to your tank before the problem occured.

14. How long have you been in this hobby (it would give us a rough indication of your experience).

Before you ask questions, we hope that you have at least read through a good marine aquarium book or read the pinned up links in the New to the Hobby forum for the basics of the marine hobby.

A lot of wasted time could have been avoided if SOME effort have been made on the part of the hobbyist in terms of research and knowledge-gathering.

Knowledge is key to success in this hobby and it is EXPECTED of a serious and responsible hobbyist to learn as much as he can before attempting anything that he is not even 99% unsure of.

Some mistakes cannot be undone. Livestock cannot be reincarnated or be resusitated. Money cannot be made back so quickly.

Be a Responsible Reefer!

Happy Reefing!

On behalf of the SRC Moderator Team,


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