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DIY Deltec Based Skimmer


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Good stuff.

I have used Aquamedic skimmers from 1000 multi to 5000 baby, as far as i can see, there is no venturi, the air is just drawn into the pump body through an unrestricted hole. A restriction will in my opinion reduce the amount of air being drawn in in this type of skimmer.

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Ke ke... not using externally. Using in sump. so the dophin will still be submerge. Just wanted to try first before making the investment in a better model. Now checking the price of 8inch acrylic tubes. Was thinking of using 2 bigger pumps and maybe gravity feed the skimmer.

But wanted to try one first before spending the actual money. Dont wish to tear down a eheim pump jus for experiment. If dun work then bang balls!! ke ke.. :lol:

As for the venturi part. Have tried without it, bubbles are too few. Not enough air being drawn in. Anyway, dont need alot of flow, just need the pressure to generate the bubbles. Actually, more water means less air. :rolleyes:

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Interesting  your this impeller is it made out of bio balls right?
Did you cut it in half and then glue it? This will make the bubble smaller by right ?    

Ya. You can get details from Barracuda? thread. I noe Alvy also had made one. Or can go reefcentral to check it out.

It is basically made by cutting off one side if a bio ball and trimming the other side. Cut off the blades on the impeller and glue the modified bioball on. I amd using epoxy. Think barra used super glue gel.

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Originally wanted to do a beckett. But pondering due to a few factors. Firstly, noise. High pressure water splashing although in a chamber will create noise. Size: cos wanna put in sump and most beckette are huge. Cost: not to mention the cost of building one, the pressure rated pump require to run it and most important of all. 170watt pump running 24/7. :(

Well. I got a friend to help get me two beckett nozzle and she is coming back next week. If she can find it, will probably try making one model after the AquaC EV series with the iductor using a bekectt. Or will just sell it to the highest bidder!! ke ke.. :lol:

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Thats why I tried this on the china pumps. Didnt wanna do this to my eheim until I am sure this will work. Replacement impellers for the eheim arent cheap!! :angry:

But the china pumps, can always throw away without too much heart pain. :lol: Esp used ones.

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Well. I got a friend to help get me two beckett nozzle and she is coming back next week. If she can find it, will probably try making one model after the AquaC EV series with the iductor using a bekectt. Or will just sell it to the highest bidder!! ke ke.. :lol:

do let me know if you are keen in selling the nozzle... been lookin high and low for one to complete my Dual beckett Skimmer... (my first huge skimmer...) ;)

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I have played around with the multi 1000 in the past, in this model the pump with the needle wheel acts both as air and water input.

The one area of maintainace is that salt tends to block the air hole over time, which increases water flow and reduces air. The air hole is from the back of the pump, through the body into the impellor chamber. Restriction of the air hole reduces air at the expense of water flow, increase of the air supply e.g by air pump, can, if the volume of air is too large, cause something like cavitation of the impellor and results in what you see as large bubbles/reduced air flow.

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No this is the baby 5000, not the shorty. The shorty is same diameter but about 26-29 inches in hight whereas the baby is 48 inches. They differ in flow, the baby being a downflow turbulent injection, the shorty a tangential input so that the water spins in a cylindrical motion.

As far as i know the baby gives a very dry foam(almost no liquid)whilst the shorty produces a very wet skimmate.

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Thats why I tried this on the china pumps. Didnt wanna do this to my eheim until I am sure this will work. Replacement impellers for the eheim arent cheap!! :angry:

But the china pumps, can always throw away without too much heart pain. :lol: Esp used ones.

Actually ehiems can get replacement impellers right? So not so high risk, as in no need to by the whole set again, just the impeller.. (assuming only the impeller spoils!)..

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Can't help but note the algae growing on the inside of your skimmer.

To get maximum gains... I suggest you vinegar soak your skimmer body and scrape out the algae. It will affect your skimming greatly when the reaction chamber is dirty like that.


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