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Waterflow control

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  • SRC Member


I tried to simulate overflow by siphoning water from main tank to a sump and then pump water back to the tank. Somehow I face some problem in maintaining consistent water flow rate in both direction. Siphoning is simply by the pull of gravity with a hose control near the sump. I'm using Eheim compact 1000 to pump the water back to the main tank. Perhaps I can somehow fine tune the adjustment till the flow stabilise but is there a machanism that can help to perform "cut-off" when one end is flowing too fast?(could be just a bit faster but over time water may overflow to the floor :( )

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  • SRC Member
Hi boxfish,

IMO, it is quite difficult to fine tune it, even if u can now, the flow rate will fluctuate e.g. when dirt built up in pump, electricity cut-off etc. Can be quite messy.

very true...u will never get it rite :sick:

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  • SRC Member

I tried to simulate overflow by siphoning water from main tank to a sump and then pump water back to the tank. Somehow I face some problem in maintaining consistent water flow rate in both direction. Siphoning is simply by the pull of gravity with a hose control near the sump. I'm using Eheim compact 1000 to pump the water back to the main tank. Perhaps I can somehow fine tune the adjustment till the flow stabilise but is there a machanism that can help to perform "cut-off" when one end is flowing too fast?(could be just a bit faster but over time water may overflow to the floor :( )

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  • SRC Member

I tried to simulate overflow by siphoning water from main tank to a sump and then pump water back to the tank. Somehow I face some problem in maintaining consistent water flow rate in both direction. Siphoning is simply by the pull of gravity with a hose control near the sump. I'm using Eheim compact 1000 to pump the water back to the main tank. Perhaps I can somehow fine tune the adjustment till the flow stabilise but is there a machanism that can help to perform "cut-off" when one end is flowing too fast?(could be just a bit faster but over time water may overflow to the floor :( )

Yes Boxfish, i suggest you dismantle the siphon setup asap, as its a disaster looming... Have you ever tot of when you are out and the power supply gets cut???? Your main tank will overflow with water... or what if a stupid fish swims to your siphon and caught in it? What if the eheim pump spoils suddenly?

Just some of the many questions you might need to worry when you are not at home. Look at phang's link, IAN is master of DIY, done professionally... you shouyld consult him on the overflow box method, it will solve overflowing problems. cheers~!

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  • SRC Member

Yes Boxfish, i suggest you dismantle the siphon setup asap, as its a disaster looming... Have you ever tot of when you are out and the power supply gets cut???? Your main tank will overflow with water... or what if a stupid fish swims to your siphon and caught in it? What if the eheim pump spoils suddenly?

Just some of the many questions you might need to worry when you are not at home. Look at phang's link, IAN is master of DIY, done professionally... you shouyld consult him on the overflow box method, it will solve overflowing problems. cheers~!

yes, I thought of the consequences as well. There are preventive measures to those disastous possibilities..e.g...the depth of the tube is limited so that water flow will cut off if water level goes below a certain level ..but of course I don't wish to see that happen :ph34r:

will study IAN's design and take a cue from him! :rolleyes:

great to have sincere advices from u guys!

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