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Hi guys, i need some advise on how to use copper properly..i have a 3x2x2 tank..i buy kordon copper tru and its say 1 drop per 1 gallon..so how many drop do i need & how many days do i need to use this copper? Thanks...

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Hi guys, i need some advise on how to use copper properly..i have a 3x2x2 tank..i buy kordon copper tru and its say 1 drop per 1 gallon..so how many drop do i need & how many days do i need to use this copper? Thanks...

I have no experience with Kordon copper but best is to stick to the instruction for a guide and slowly adjust and monitor. Get a test kit to measure if you are unsure.

F1 gallon is about 4 litres. So you need to first determine the total water volume of your tank before getting the correct dose.

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thanks for your advise guys, but i give up already coz all my fish die one by one & step by step due to all kind of parasite in my tank :cry2: ..so i dicided to do a 100% water change & restart again..i know i will lost all good bacteria there but i have no choice..is there any posibble that parasite in my tank is still there? how long will it take to secure that my tank was free from parasite? even after 100% water changes..thanks

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thanks for your advise guys, but i give up already coz all my fish die one by one & step by step due to all kind of parasite in my tank :cry2: ..so i dicided to do a 100% water change & restart again..i know i will lost all good bacteria there but i have no choice..is there any posibble that parasite in my tank is still there? how long will it take to secure that my tank was free from parasite? even after 100% water changes..thanks

If you have already dose copper in your tank, I don't think 100% water change will do as your sandbed and LR will still leach copper upon setting up wrecking havoc to your system.

That is why, it is prudent never dose cooper into main tank especially when you use full dosage.

If I were you, I will discard all sand and LR and start from ground zero.

Most disease can be prevented with:

  1. Proper set-up
  2. Proper stock selection
  3. Proper acclimation

If you follow the above diligently, you will never need to treat your tank. That's how most of the successful reefers follow.

Hope that helps.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • SRC Member
thanks for your advise guys, but i give up already coz all my fish die one by one & step by step due to all kind of parasite in my tank :cry2: ..so i dicided to do a 100% water change & restart again..i know i will lost all good bacteria there but i have no choice..is there any posibble that parasite in my tank is still there? how long will it take to secure that my tank was free from parasite? even after 100% water changes..thanks
I only tried seachem copper. Happen to me when I add any fish, it will die within a week, got fed up and dose seachem copper. At full dosage, i started adding fishes. After the final fish, i count down 3 weeks. Then start doing water change and poly filter to remove the copper. But first time dose copper, u got to dose slowly as copper will kill crabs and worms. If your bacteria cant cope with the die offs, your tank will start a mini cycle.
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I have 2ft QT tank and using seachem cupramine and salifert copper test..anyone knows how to calculate dosing the med? It says keep the range between 0.5 mg/l for 14 days, on test kit chart its on ppm..is that the same i have to keep 0.5ppm? Very confuse..

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1. Calculate the volume of water in qt.

2. Add 1ml of cupramine per 40 l of water.

3. Use the copper test kit to check the copper level after 1 hr of dosing.

4. If not reach 0.5 ppm, next day add the same amount as step 2.

5. Repeat step 3 and 4 until the copper level is reach 0.5ppm

6. Maintain the level for 14 days. If water change , repeat step 3 to 5.

Hope it is clear.

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I have 2ft QT tank and using seachem cupramine and salifert copper test..anyone knows how to calculate dosing the med? It says keep the range between 0.5 mg/l for 14 days, on test kit chart its on ppm..is that the same i have to keep 0.5ppm? Very confuse..
1 litre = 1kg = 1000g = 1000×1000mg = 1000 000 mg 1ppm = 1 part per million. = 1 ÷ 1000 000 Part can be kg, volume or units. 0.5 ppm = 0.5gm ÷ 1000 000gm If 1l = 1000 000gm then 0.5ppm = 0.5gm/1l
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Just remember any new additions in the QT, the clock starts back to zero.

And if ur doing water changes to keep nutrients down in the QT, u have to keep in mind the strength of copper will be diluted.

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Yep thats correct.

Usually by the 3rd-5th day the white spots would disappear.

However, you have to keep it running for 2-4 weeks cause the parasite can only be killed in its free swimming stage, namely the tomonts and theronts. That is when the white spots drop off the fish to head for the substrate or LR to reproduce and after tht release their babies to attach themselves to a fish.

This process is roughly two weeks thus the 14 days recommendation. I have used cupramine with much success following this QT regime.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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