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LED fixture starting to kaput, what next?

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Hi all, has been awhile since I'm back to this forum.

been keeping my 5ft tank running for almost 4 yrs now with minimum LS and LPS due to limited time for hobby.

the custom LED fixture that I made about 4 yrs ago has about 1/3 of its LED kaput. the casing itself is quite nicely made (alu) to cover the tank and accessing the LED inside should be easy. was previously thinking of going back T5 due to the stronger light intensity but doubt the interior of the casing has enough clearance for reflectors. suspect heat will also a problem

anyway i am keen to replace the LED inside the casing, wondering which are the more reliable brands in the market these days that you guys are using. I need to do some research into the casing as well to see if they will fit. something like the strips that coral farm use to have in the display tanks in front should fit in just nice

please help me bros, looking for any input.

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