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Too much calcium ? Need to reduce ?

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  • SRC Member

I had a calcium test on my tank and found that calcium contents is off the charts... Can anybody advise if I need to reduce and if so, how to reduce calcium in tank ?

My alkalinity is 8dKH

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  • SRC Member

Hi bro

From my personal experience;

Extreme Ca level will kill SPS and LPS and some invert like shrimp. I encountered before in my other tank last time where I neglected measuring Ca and I didn't realized that the pump I used to mix salt that I also use to mix Ca powder in water for Ca top up has much deposit in the pump that leaks into the saltwater mix each time I did water change and ended up Ca shoot up to 800ppm.

I lost a number of SPS and my frogspawn coral (that has started branching out). The hardy ones that survives the ordeal was birdnests, pocci, hammer, trumpet coral. Acroporas, monti could not make it.

Best is to do big water change asap. In my case the other tank I had was 2x1x1.5 which allow me to change near to 80% to bring the level to normal.

If you want to do safe you can move your live stock into smaller basin that is filled with about half-half new and exiting tank water for half an hour before putting them to the tank with changed water (similar to the acclimation). But with such high Ca the corals is already stressed. I am not sure if acclimation will help much.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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