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How accurate are JBL test kits?


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

Anyone uses JBL test kits, more specifically their kH, Ca and pH test kits?

I've been getting questionable readings from them...

Ca - 600mg/l (GASP!!!)

kH - 5dkh

pH - 8.2

I'm dosing kalk via a kalkreactor, actually very little kalk, I think around 3-4 teaspoons via the reactor over a week for a 55gal tank...

That's 3-4 teaspoons dissolved in 5gals (er.. not too sure but it's a big white plastic jerry can) of freshwater...

If I'm overdosing kalk, won't my pH skyrocket? Yet it still remains at 8.2... yet Ca is amazingly high and kH dangerously low...

Please advise.. (I suspect my test kits have to go...)


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