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white vingar to reduce nitrates

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  • SRC Member

I was told white vingar can reduce nitrates...any1 tried? I read in one of the website that they use Vodka 0.1ml per 25 gallon. increase dosage to 0.5ml weekly until level is low.

I was told for our common white vingar we need to increase the dosage?

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  • SRC Member

Vodka causes cyano bacteria growth. Chances of cyano for vinegar is much lower. Think sg not so much people using vinegar. I personally uses vinegar for my tank. Good result too. Cheap as well.

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found this.


Based on what the article stated. 15ml for 100gallons which is about slight more then a 322 cabinet sump (about 90 gallon without the sump). increase weekly to 45ml.. BECAREFUL coz it does decrease pH. without even dosing i notice slight decrease in pH with more livestock. thus, the worst is to have a pH swing. so slow dosing in in day time is recommended.

For newbie like me, 5ml is like maybe a small bottle cap, so maybe do 3/4 or half a cap for the first week and observe before increasing doses.

Hope this help.

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pro: cheap, does not lower ph that much

con: concentration not consistent, self mix, attract ants


pro: cheap, concentration more consistent

con: might cause ph to crash


pro: "pure", does not lower ph that much

con: most expensive of the 3, might cause cyano


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pro: cheap, does not lower ph that much

con: concentration not consistent, self mix, attract ants

dose: ???


pro: cheap, concentration more consistent

con: might cause ph to crash

dose: 15ml - 100gallon daily. increase to 30ml 2nd wk. then 45ml 3rd wk


pro: "pure", does not lower ph that much

con: most expensive of the 3, might cause cyano

dose: 1.8ml - 100gallon daily. increase to 3.75ml 2nd wk. then 5.6ml 3rd wk

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Daily. I started from 8ml daily (twice a day 4 ml each time.) to now 25ml daily. N03 has never been above 5ppm even heavy feeding 2 times a day. I run rowaphos to keep po4 at 0. Btw I dose vinegar. I noticed only a change of 0.1ph when I dose 12.5ml into my 260l tank. I dose once in the morning and once at night.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

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assuming 12.5ml = 0.1 drop

i dose 10ml of vodka = 80ml of vinegar = 0.5 drop, still acceptable if using dosing pump

anyone tried vinegar mix with sodium bicarbonate(2 in 1) to balance the ph? any chemical reaction?

i intend to but end up drop the idea, dont fix if it arent broken

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  • SRC Member

if you are using dosing pump and slowly drip 80ml vinegar through 24 hours. I doubt its gonna make any impact on your pH.. i dose 12.5ml at one go so can see the slight drop in pH.

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Daily. I started from 8ml daily (twice a day 4 ml each time.) to now 25ml daily. N03 has never been above 5ppm even heavy feeding 2 times a day. I run rowaphos to keep po4 at 0. Btw I dose vinegar. I noticed only a change of 0.1ph when I dose 12.5ml into my 260l tank. I dose once in the morning and once at night.

How big is yoiur tank?

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4x2x1.2ft + sump - sand rocks etc. Estimated water volume to be 260l

mine is a 322 sump. estimate 425l or 112gallon. Base on the formula 15ml for 100gallon is correct? Based on the web it say its beta to do it in the day time coz of oxygen level....I just dosed 15ml yesterday night and notice the drop from 8.2pH to 8.02pH. Increase the pH with pH plus solution and now hopefully the drop will not be tat great. The other way i have not tried to to dose sodium bicarbonate which i have. but I dunno how much to dose so easier to use solution.

Last 9 after dosing, i am very happy with the result of how all the corals look and color den before dosing.

N02 = 0

N03 3 different test kits shows different. best is 0 worst is between 25-50.

didnt test the rest of the parameter as it was really late

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assuming 12.5ml = 0.1 drop

i dose 10ml of vodka = 80ml of vinegar = 0.5 drop, still acceptable if using dosing pump

anyone tried vinegar mix with sodium bicarbonate(2 in 1) to balance the ph? any chemical reaction?

i intend to but end up drop the idea, dont fix if it arent broken

Did it before. Reactive combination but works well.

Suggest to go with the recommended 1tsp/3.75L of water and vinegar at 15ml.

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Don't think it's the vinegar that causes the drastic ph drop. My tank volume is almost half ur size and I don't experience such a drop. Could be something g else. Make sure your ph test kit or ph pen is well calibrated. Or accurate.

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did 5 ml dose this morning instead of 15ml at night. pH dropped to abt 7.9ish. did magnsium and sodium dosing as well as pH plus to push the pH up again. this time pH back to 8.05 much faster. Bt i do notice that pH recently is on the very low 8 where previously its like 8.2. will test all parameters tonight

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did 5 ml dose this morning instead of 15ml at night. pH dropped to abt 7.9ish. did magnsium and sodium dosing as well as pH plus to push the pH up again. this time pH back to 8.05 much faster. Bt i do notice that pH recently is on the very low 8 where previously its like 8.2. will test all parameters tonight

When you dose carbon source, your bacteria population will bloom thus you experience a low nutrients environment. However, high population of bacteria will also deplete O2 therefore suppress pH. So ensure good aeration to meet the O2 demands. ;)

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Bought white vinegar from Phoon Huat. Can it be used? No flavorings or preservatives. Also thinking of using to kill some aiptasia

You can use any vinegar as long as its unflavoured, no preservatives and no coloring. However, I will not recommend using vinegar to kill aiptasia in your tank as the excess vinegar will wreck havoc to your tank parameters. Besides, I don't think your can eliminate aiptasia with just a couple of squirts of vinegar.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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When you dose carbon source, your bacteria population will bloom thus you experience a low nutrients environment. However, high population of bacteria will also deplete O2 therefore suppress pH. So ensure good aeration to meet the O2 demands. ;)

did WC on Sun abt 40%. kH & GH tested yesterday was about 9. BUT the shocking thing is NO3 is 100mg/l. and N02 is 25! its like even worst then before dosing. plus I have bio-sphere in the sump. No wonder the skimmer was like half a cup full before water change. suspect it maybe died fishes as I have not seen my 2 angel for a few days. The problem will be tat the scape is heavily rocked and to even try to find them will be a nightmare. plus may coz the parameter to go haywire.

BTW the sand bed is about 3-4inch in the front part and rear abot 6inch

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