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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 8 July 2013 - 14 July 2013

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As of yesterday, Coral farm still have ;

Trigger clown ( jumbo ) , baby and adult size Africanus angel , one griffin angel, Mauritius trigger, one pair of flamboyant cuttlefish, emperor angel, flame wrasse, baby size blue tang, golden angel, and koran angelfish ect...

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Ah Bac

Sailfin Anthias

Sunburst Anthias (S)

Bellus Angel (S)

Wantanabe Angel (S)

Starkii Damsel (S)

Yasha Goby (S)

Mandarin Goby (L)

Plus many others nice fishes..

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TFC Red Sea fishes : Many Purple Tangs Sohal Tangs Uncommon Red Sea damsel - Dascyllus Marginatus Good looking, healthy bartletts. Declivis Butterfly Yellow Tangs many many One Rhomboid left Flame Angels Fremblii Butterfly Achilles Tang Good sized Grey Angel Many essential, hard working inverts. Quite a few red rock anemone.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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TFC Red Sea fishes : Many Purple Tangs Sohal Tangs Uncommon Red Sea damsel - Dascyllus Marginatus Good looking, healthy bartletts. Declivis Butterfly Yellow Tangs many many One Rhomboid left Flame Angels Fremblii Butterfly Achilles Tang Good sized Grey Angel Many essential, hard working inverts. Quite a few red rock anemone.

Bro many AT there?

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TFC Red Sea fishes : Many Purple Tangs Sohal Tangs Uncommon Red Sea damsel - Dascyllus Marginatus Good looking, healthy bartletts. Declivis Butterfly Yellow Tangs many many One Rhomboid left Flame Angels Fremblii Butterfly Achilles Tang Good sized Grey Angel Many essential, hard working inverts. Quite a few red rock anemone.

They open today? Went there but the shop is closed..then realised it is Mon.

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  • SRC Member

Bro many AT there?

Bro left one piece left.

They open today? Went there but the shop is closed..then realised it issues Mon.

Closed. I was there yesterday.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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  • SRC Member
Ah Bac Sailfin Anthias Sunburst Anthias (S) Bellus Angel (S) Wantanabe Angel (S) Starkii Damsel (S) Yasha Goby (S) Mandarin Goby (L) Plus many others nice fishes..
Where is ah bac.?
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Forget to mention that CF still have a few pcs of the jaculator angelfish and mitratus butterfly for those whom is interested.

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TFC Red Sea fishes : Many Purple Tangs Sohal Tangs Uncommon Red Sea damsel - Dascyllus Marginatus Good looking, healthy bartletts. Declivis Butterfly Yellow Tangs many many One Rhomboid left Flame Angels Fremblii Butterfly Achilles Tang Good sized Grey Angel Many essential, hard working inverts. Quite a few red rock anemone.

where is TFC?

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The fish channel @ 1415: Lots of yt, flame angels, lots of colorful rics, tons of snails and hermits, two huge gem tangs, nice red rock anemones, some angels(sorry, not an angel guy, dunno what species...) some frags of premium zoas... All fish are very healthy feeding and at very good price... Check it out

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Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Last Sat i went to Ah Bac kena chase by dog... hw you guys enter normally ??

LOL .... That's the problem with that place.

I drove there and park so near to his shop also kanna barked by the dogs... have to Stare back and walk plus ignore them.


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The fish channel @ 1415: Lots of yt, flame angels, lots of colorful rics, tons of snails and hermits, two huge gem tangs, nice red rock anemones, some angels(sorry, not an angel guy, dunno what species...) some frags of premium zoas... All fish are very healthy feeding and at very good price... Check it out

Lemon Peel

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  • Senior Reefer

Bro, anymore potter there?

i saw 2 potter's angel as of last sunday.

but the fish there sell out quite fast. so best to call to check.

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Ah Bac is at Lim Chu Kang..nearby to LCK201.
Hi bro I go LCK quite often. Do you have exact address? Hard to find if just near LCK 201. Any unit no. Will helps. Thanks in advance.
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