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flow accelerator


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  • SRC Member

saw it in fish-street

| Display : 48x30x22 Skimmer : SK-201 skimz

| Sump : 30x24x18 Wavemaker : 2x RW-15 , 1x RW-8

| Cooling : 1HP titanium drop in coil ATO : JBJ

| Lighting : ATI Sunpower 8x54w + 48x cree xte royal blue Return : Jebao dc-6000

| Dosing : Jebao dosing pump [ CaCl2 + NaHCO3 ] Pump :

| Reactor : FSZ Z160 zeolite reactor & phosban 150

| System : ZEOVIT

decomm-ed :

Ydkm SPS reef

:wub: >><< :wub:

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  • SRC Member

Website bro fish-street. You can also get at from Ken Madpetz or Vincent aquarium artist but Vincent told me yesterday big one out of stock.

Sent from my PadFone 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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anyone came across it at 328?

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Singapore Reef Club – We are an online discussion community which aim to provide quality information about setting up and keeping a marine reef aquarium. By joining us as a members, you will be able to learn and share your experience in this hobby and at the same time making some friends here !! We hope by educating the public about the marine hobby, we will be able to create greater awareness of the fragility of our coral reefs as well as loving each and every living fish / corals we purchase as a responsible reefer.

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  • SRC Member

i see, thanks.

where is fish-street?

search in google and you will know :thumbsup:

| Display : 48x30x22 Skimmer : SK-201 skimz

| Sump : 30x24x18 Wavemaker : 2x RW-15 , 1x RW-8

| Cooling : 1HP titanium drop in coil ATO : JBJ

| Lighting : ATI Sunpower 8x54w + 48x cree xte royal blue Return : Jebao dc-6000

| Dosing : Jebao dosing pump [ CaCl2 + NaHCO3 ] Pump :

| Reactor : FSZ Z160 zeolite reactor & phosban 150

| System : ZEOVIT

decomm-ed :

Ydkm SPS reef

:wub: >><< :wub:

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  • SRC Member

What's the theory behind ? I thought a straight flow out produces the maximum power ?

By adding that plastic device on.. doesn't it restrict the flow more than accelerating it ?

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What's the theory behind ? I thought a straight flow out produces the maximum power ?

By adding that plastic device on.. doesn't it restrict the flow more than accelerating it ?

You are right. The device increases the pressure at the opening and velocity of water flow. So can accelerate the flow. But the total flow rate from the return pump will drop. The device is called accelerator to have a better marketing name and the increase in velocity of flow at the opening.

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I have one new flow accelerator for sale at Sell off/Pasar Malam Shop thread.

PM me if keen.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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i will be ordering some in, let me know if u are keen

I saw before one that will keep swirling/rotating. you have that kind?

The spirit of sharing...

always remember forum is like its name - forum

Singapore Reef Club – We are an online discussion community which aim to provide quality information about setting up and keeping a marine reef aquarium. By joining us as a members, you will be able to learn and share your experience in this hobby and at the same time making some friends here !! We hope by educating the public about the marine hobby, we will be able to create greater awareness of the fragility of our coral reefs as well as loving each and every living fish / corals we purchase as a responsible reefer.

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