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How do you guy secure the steel wires to the ceiling hook?


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I ask a sponsor here to design & fix a fixture for hanging. They install everything for u & ensure your tank well covered. No sweat. Juz provide vaccum cleaner for them to suck the dust from the drilling before they make it to the surrounding. Can hold up to 20kg. Using it to hang my ATI Sunpower which is around 12kg. Your maxspect lighter, confirmed no problem. Or u prefer to DIY?

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  • SRC Member

Reeffish, i have 2 hooks being drilled onto the ceiling slab liao.. now is to secure the metal wires to the hook by tie'ing to the hook... i'm not worry about the hook that might come off, i'm more worrying about the ties loosen off and the whole drop into the tank.. lol


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  • SRC Member

Sorri can't help u here. Never see in detail the hanging kit although i have used maxspect razor before but i believe it should have one end where u can secured it onto hooks. My ATI came with that. Hope somebody can help u with that. Bro Evolutionz hang his maxspect. Maybe u can try PM him for help.

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Go to King George hardware shop look for cable fasteners


See below for the method to secure.


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  • SRC Member

i have the wires etc.


but my concern is the top part of the hanging is just a simple lug secured by 2 tiny screws. The lug is then hang on the hooks attached to the ceiling. The lug may just gave way.. in fact yesterday i had broken the screws that secure the lug.

any better way to secure the lug?


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i have the wires etc.


but my concern is the top part of the hanging is just a simple lug secured by 2 tiny screws. The lug is then hang on the hooks attached to the ceiling. The lug may just gave way.. in fact yesterday i had broken the screws that secure the lug.

any better way to secure the lug?

the key is to screw it slightly tight, the screws acts as an friction stopper and please use a test pen to screw them, not those big screw drivers


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  • SRC Member

stupid question: how do you change your t5 tubes?

not easy to remove the acrylic cover while hanging wor

sorry bro, i'm using LED.

I can imagine would be difficult to replace T5 tubes if it is hanging.


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Not really diificult, at least for my case. 7 inches above water & the tubes came out & go in very easily. However, i do need to off the wavemaker & the power supply to the lights 1st.

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Bro, u will have problems changing tubes if your fixture

1) very near water

2) long tubes, more than 3ft, longer

than when both your arms

extended out & u cannot reach

both ends.

3) when the tubes are too compact,

too close to each other. Not

enough room for your fingers to

go in at an angle.

4) Retro fit.

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i probably screwed them too tight, one of the bracket broken into half..

i feel is not safe the allow your light hanging with just 2 little screws haha

The cheaper fasteners tends to break as they are usually made from iron/lead.

Look for those that is meant for ships used, these are usually sold in the several hardware shop at King George, one of them is a few shop next to the Singapore Pools, so won't missed it.


"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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Bro, u will have problems changing tubes if your fixture

1) very near water

2) long tubes, more than 3ft, longer

than when both your arms

extended out & u cannot reach

both ends.

3) when the tubes are too compact,

too close to each other. Not

enough room for your fingers to

go in at an angle.

4) Retro fit.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

mine is powermodule but 4 feet

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