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Foaming at filter sock and Fresh Prawn Cycling question

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Bro our piping is the same design.

You will not get foam once your water is clean. Unwashed sand is super foamy. I know because I wash my sand. Even if you wash clean now once your system ages, the sand will still become dirty. Your tank just need to settle. Stop staring at it! :-)

Sent from my GT-N7005 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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Ok just got the genesis n fuel n dosed according to instructions.

Bro our piping is the same design.

You will not get foam once your water is clean. Unwashed sand is super foamy. I know because I wash my sand. Even if you wash clean now once your system ages, the sand will still become dirty. Your tank just need to settle. Stop staring at it! :-)

Sent from my GT-N7005 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

O ok... Lol I can't!!! Wrong idea to place tank in front of my work table. Should place it on my right like old tank.

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Thank you for the pics. Still a case of unwashed sand. You didn't buy caribsea sand right? Even if you did, packaging will state pre washed if it is.

Nothing to do with DOC. If it is DOC, with that kind of foam, you have a big big issue on hand.

Back to technical aspects, it is not wrong for bros to prescribe the way skimmer works. Downdraft skimmers work that way so do Aqua C skimmers. Only thing wrong here being prescribed is that the skimmers all have constricted nozzles to create a high pressure directed water jet to create foam. In your case, a piping will not create that much foam. It will cause foaming but not Sentosa foam party kind of look.

Go change out those water with NSW and do some serious mechanical filtration. Chances are your filter pads will turn very brown.

Anyway imo, ten prawns are decent for your tank size but do add more bacteria and leave tank to the elements to speed up cycling. Thats the correct way as it worked for me.

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Thank you for the pics. Still a case of unwashed sand. You didn't buy caribsea sand right? Even if you did, packaging will state pre washed if it is.

Nothing to do with DOC. If it is DOC, with that kind of foam, you have a big big issue on hand.

Back to technical aspects, it is not wrong for bros to prescribe the way skimmer works. Downdraft skimmers work that way so do Aqua C skimmers. Only thing wrong here being prescribed is that the skimmers all have constricted nozzles to create a high pressure directed water jet to create foam. In your case, a piping will not create that much foam. It will cause foaming but not Sentosa foam party kind of look.

Go change out those water with NSW and do some serious mechanical filtration. Chances are your filter pads will turn very brown.

Anyway imo, ten prawns are decent for your tank size but do add more bacteria and leave tank to the elements to speed up cycling. Thats the correct way as it worked for me.

hmm ok Darn just washed my canister threw away the old cotton pad. Gonna get it running again.

Yup caribsea sand.

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Bro if you don't ignore the cycling tank, I bet you will soon cave in and commit the ultimate newbie sin of LS before cycle done.

Sent from my GT-N7005 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Haha already bought a true perc pair. Not the best fish to start with but I love their design(found it unique). Was attracted by 2 pair but 1 of ten got sold ytd so today booked the last pair I liked with Henry but left them with him till cycle finish.

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hmm ok Darn just washed my canister threw away the old cotton pad. Gonna get it running again.

Yup caribsea sand.

It's okay. I make the same mistake too. No matter how senior, we do make schoolboy mistakes :P

Not necessary to buy super expensive cotton pad. Just go for any freshwater rectangular pads are good enough. Better if the texture is abit tough.

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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It's okay. I make the same mistake too. No matter how senior, we do make schoolboy mistakes :P

Not necessary to buy super expensive cotton pad. Just go for any freshwater rectangular pads are good enough. Better if the texture is abit tough.

hehe sure thing. heading down to c328 tml before going to office.

btw my concern is if i am to use a mechanical filter now would i be losing out on the beneficial bacteria that in the canister later? and if so and i dont use a mechanical filter can i just wait out the foam to settle down or use skimmer to filter all this out?

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nope just following bro marcovan suggestion...just like he said my filter socks were darn brown when i took them out... so use canister for filtering out the dirty stuff from the sand....

anyway this tank has been a weird cycling process for me previous 3 tank also not so kang kor....

today day 5

salifert test : 0 ammonia (from day 1 to 5)

api: 3 in morning noon is 1 (measured nitrite with salifert: 0)

1 more dunno what brand kit i lent from fresh water friend also showed 0

dunno is it because of my old tank sand n rocks + bio sphere (but this only affect nitrate right)....

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since you're using dry rocks, i suggest no matter what reading, make sure to cycle fully at least 1 month. and continue to dose bacteria too. Dry rocks does have it problems too.. that is why despite the risk of pest and less creative room for scaping, i chose to go for cured live rocks.

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hehe sure thing. heading down to c328 tml before going to office.

btw my concern is if i am to use a mechanical filter now would i be losing out on the beneficial bacteria that in the canister later? and if so and i dont use a mechanical filter can i just wait out the foam to settle down or use skimmer to filter all this out?

Nah I wouldn't worry about losing bacteria. Get the cycling going and stocking slow, they will come back.

Good luck.

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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