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Giving away


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Dear Friends,

I have to decom my fish tank due to personal reasons and would prefer to give the fishes away to another reefer who would take care of them..

Stock :
2 x paired common ocellaris (1.5")
1 x BTA (6" fully opened)
1 x blue tang (3-4")
1 x yellow tang (3-4")
1 x yellow watchman goby
1 x algae blenny
1 x christmas wrasse
4 x zebra damsel
1 x red eyed banggai cardinal

My tank dimensions :
4 x 2 x 1ft shallow
4 x 2 x 2ft (sump)

The tank will be available once the fishes are cleared..

I will be keeping my equipment (chiller/skimmer/pumps) for the future when I can return to this hobby so I could't offer it but all the above are free as long as the interested party collects it from my place..

The miscellaneous corals will be given away if anyone is interested..

Please contact me 96162732 to arrange for viewing at Bukit Panjang..



4 x 2 x 1 low tank


Trying to minimise equipment as much as possible.

Would love to make new friends in the reefing community - PM me!

A short video of my tank on a Sunday morning

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Update : 2 friends coming over tonight.. Will update on what's left..

Thank you for interest :)

4 x 2 x 1 low tank


Trying to minimise equipment as much as possible.

Would love to make new friends in the reefing community - PM me!

A short video of my tank on a Sunday morning

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Dear Friends,

Thank you for the interest and kind words.. 2 brothers cleared my corals and fish very quickly..

I will be releasing my fish tank for taking soon, along with the live rocks..

Will update by Thursday evening..

Thank you once again..



4 x 2 x 1 low tank


Trying to minimise equipment as much as possible.

Would love to make new friends in the reefing community - PM me!

A short video of my tank on a Sunday morning

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Dear friends,

All fishes and live rock cleared..

Hi Bro, thanks for your kind gesture. I'm interested with your tank and can arrange own transportation.

Please let me know if you intend to giving it away too. Thanks

I will try to clean up the tank today so that it's easier for you to arrange for transportation?

Send me a message so that I have your number..

Thanks to all..

4 x 2 x 1 low tank


Trying to minimise equipment as much as possible.

Would love to make new friends in the reefing community - PM me!

A short video of my tank on a Sunday morning

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