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Using normal water

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  • SRC Member

dont be alarm by the title ;p

What i wanted to ask is just to double confirm that normal water should not be added in a tank with rocks as the rock would absorb the no2 etc right?

my new tank just arrived today and i did the scaping (without sand) in the tank....wanted to add water than use a FR and raisin to DI the water after that when i recalled reading about not soaking rock into tap water.

if that's so than i have to remove my rock after the expoy dry than add water liao just a bit lei chey and scared i cant back the same rockscape.

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  • SRC Member

i think better not use or expose any with tap water. RODI water is recommended or those ntuc distilled water.

If yours are dead rocks, its fine.

hmm...rocks mostly dead but got a couple that i just took out from old tank haven fully sun dry them yet.

1 more question: can i use my expired reef nutrition food to kick start my cycling?

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hmm...rocks mostly dead but got a couple that i just took out from old tank haven fully sun dry them yet.

1 more question: can i use my expired reef nutrition food to kick start my cycling?

any fish food or market prawns will kick start the cycle


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Untill 2-3 weeks or till you cannot find the prawn. This means the bacteria have truely broke down the prawn when you notice the ammonia increase follow by nitrite, lastly follow by nitrate. But some will just take the prawn out before it started to disintegrate.

Remember nitrate feeds algea with light. After nitrite & ammonia is zero(very important). Can try partial change of water & test nitrate. By this stage cycle almost 95% done. Monitor afew days parameter remains the same then is time to buy 1-2 livestocks & slowly stockup.

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