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any special reasons for cleaner shrimp to die?


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  • SRC Member

Both my cleaners are dying for no apparent reason. Tested water parameters and they are all at safe level. They are lying on their back now while they struggle for their last breath. Hope they would not die eventually. Is there any special reason for them CS to die??...my corals are opening well and both my fishes are swimming healthily...really puzzles me. :erm:

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  • SRC Member
How did you introduce your shrimp into your tank?

Good question. :unsure: 3-4 mths ago i just started out this hobby for a mth so i have not started the habit of aclimitising my livestock. I let the water float on my water for 30mins then i dump then in already. I know it's not the proper aclimitising procedure but does that matter??..coz it's already quite long already. Hope they are just playing dead on me. :look:

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Sounds just like the symptoms of specific gravity shock. I was there too at a point in time with my 2 feet tank long ago...was wondering why every invert died when introduced, including macroalgae. Finally found out why. Tested my tank water with a new floating hydrometer and found my s.g to be close to 1.026. That of the farm was about 1.020

A specific gravity change of 0.006 can be very very stressful for inverts. Pls acclimatize new additions slowly, esp if they are inverts. Fish are more able to cope.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

cleaner shrimps r also very sensitive to high nitrate as well..... when my No3 rise to 80ppm in my 1st 10 galoon tank, my shrimps is the 1st to die..... all my LPS still o.k but does'nt open up too much.... as for the bullet proof yellow tail demsel.... needless to say, nothing happen to them at all....

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