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WC perferences


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Do you guys prefer to conduct wc weekly say 10%, so in a month total of 40% or

20% bi-weekly or

40% once a month?

what are the school of thoughts on the % and frequency? What are the pros and cons?


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i first started doing weekly WC.

after observing the corals n water condition which is still healthy at the 2nd week, then i decided to change 40% biweekly.

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Singapore Reef Club – We are an online discussion community which aim to provide quality information about setting up and keeping a marine reef aquarium. By joining us as a members, you will be able to learn and share your experience in this hobby and at the same time making some friends here !! We hope by educating the public about the marine hobby, we will be able to create greater awareness of the fragility of our coral reefs as well as loving each and every living fish / corals we purchase as a responsible reefer.

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Hi bro I found the above link with regard to WC very enlightening. Hope it would be the same for u.

Im keeping a fowlr and change 20% fortnightly.

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although I would like to try 40% wc each time, however having a 800+L tank, to conduct a 40% wc would meant 300+L of water is needed.

I have only 2 x 60L tubs to hold my RO/DI water, at best I can manage is 120L each WC.


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although I would like to try 40% wc each time, however having a 800+L tank, to conduct a 40% wc would meant 300+L of water is needed.

I have only 2 x 60L tubs to hold my RO/DI water, at best I can manage is 120L each WC.

Bro it also depend on your no3 and po4 if your no3 and po4 under control level and water parameter like ca, mg, kh, trace element all ok no need to change so much. Water change is just a guide not a must follow. Maintian water change is to help those who high in no3 and po4 and also at the same time to top up this trace element if your coral consume alot.

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Nano tanks - daily to weekly changes

Big tanks - once a month

Never scrimp on water changes. End of day I find it cheaper than spending on bottles since the result is direct and more significant than bottles.

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Nano tanks - daily to weekly changes

Big tanks - once a month

Never scrimp on water changes. End of day I find it cheaper than spending on bottles since the result is direct and more significant than bottles.



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i do not have problems with NO3 and Po4, probably i should stick to changing 120L per week for elements replenishments...
Bro you don't need element replenishment your coral too less liao somemore mostly lps
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although I would like to try 40% wc each time, however having a 800+L tank, to conduct a 40% wc would meant 300+L of water is needed.

I have only 2 x 60L tubs to hold my RO/DI water, at best I can manage is 120L each WC.

You may consider getting a 250l drum. save space as well.

The spirit of sharing...

always remember forum is like its name - forum

Singapore Reef Club – We are an online discussion community which aim to provide quality information about setting up and keeping a marine reef aquarium. By joining us as a members, you will be able to learn and share your experience in this hobby and at the same time making some friends here !! We hope by educating the public about the marine hobby, we will be able to create greater awareness of the fragility of our coral reefs as well as loving each and every living fish / corals we purchase as a responsible reefer.

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Sorry bro missed out your tank being 800L.

Painass abt a big tank is everything is big. Might want to consider biweekly change to match up to full 120L.

Or a drive to iwarna for nsw is possible too.

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Mine used to be 2x weekly 40% (20g cube tank). Now weekly 40%. I always try to match the new water parameter with existing one in tank.

I noticed that during water change, if the SPS exert slimes it means that the new water parameters differs too much and the coral coated themselves using their slime for self protection.

So as long as new water parameters are more or less the same as the current tank parameters, it is okay.

For this reason, I stopped using salt with very high Ca, Mg, Hco because it cannot be adjusted down to match tank parameters.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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