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SRC Reef ID Quiz #1

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I nearly killed her during my recent Flatworm Nuking Exercise.

She was clearly stunned by the medication and I thought she was a goner.

I left her in the tank and was pleased to see her moving around by the 3rd day after lying still for the first two days.


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Bristleworms and fireworms are excellent scavengers.

They will not eat anything that is still alive but the dead are fair game.

Some say they can smell a dying clam from metres away and will be standing by to feast.

There is a myth they will eat clams but clams can be dying from the inside out but still have their mantles out. When you see bristleworms near/under your clams, then chances are that its already dead and not killed by bristleworms.

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If they reach a population where there's not enough food for them... potentially they could be a threat.

Barracuda's gf's tank is swarming with bristlworms, such that the sandbed itself seems to be writhing... I don't think he has reported any livestock being attacked by them.

Bristlworms are a useful part of a reef tank's ecosystem and helps to keep DSBs in working order with their movements but most people tend to kill bristleworms with extreme prejudice.

There is a worm that I am keeping a very close watch on in my tank. I suspect its an Eunice worm, the kind that will eat fishes and can grow incredibly long. It has very large pincer like mouth parts. Very scary looking.

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I just spent half an hour tracking down different fireworm species.

I think the closest ID that I can come closest with for my fireworm is Hermodice carunculata, from the Carribean. :huh:

It is supposedly a very rare find and it so happens to be a known predatory fireworm where it consumes soft corals and gorgonians by LICKING them... as they have no jaws.

I'll be seeking a 2nd opinion from a polychaete expert to confirm if my fireworm is of that particular kind.

If it is.... anyone wants to adopt ######, the fireworm? ;)

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