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New skimmer problems

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  • SRC Member

Hi All,

We have installed a new skimmer yesterday. Like the old ones we have to elevate it so that we can control the level in the skimmer. both old and new skimmer the sump water level is until the neck of the bottle which will cause overflow of the skimmer.

Anyways, the pump is also new and when we dismantle the pump to look inside it was oilly and greasy. Start up and tune to the optimal level in the skimmer but the "new skimmer symdrom". The water is all fizzy but not foamy, i remember reading somewhere to use luke warm water to run the pump or sumthing. We also notice that the return outlet wastoo big so we fix on a pipe reducer. which also affected the level.

We are in the pre-design phase of doing a algea scrubber. The outlet water seems to carry alot of air as the sump compartment where ths skimmer is placed is filled with bubbles. If we were to fabricate a stand with rain shower onto a screen. How will it affect the level of the skimmer more? of coz with the constrution pressure will be higher on the outlet.

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  • SRC Member

Never restrict the outlet of the skimmer. They are made that size for a reason. And if yours is a in sump skimmer, they have a small range of water lvl for them to work. Follow instructions and u are on the right track.

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If tank is new usually not much foam. Only bubbles. Take a while before impurities occur after adding fish or food i guess (correct me if im wrong). Within 1 week shld have dirty foam flowing out. Thats what i experience with my new tank

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we did major WC last week. even the old skimmer was not foamy. But i did read sumwhere tat there is a run in period for Skimmers. the solution was warm water or something. So far the skimmer is still not very foamy but can see that the bubbly is getting higher...I am just concern about thw water. Plus the rightful owner (my MUM) is away for holi so nobody to monitor the situation....

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since the 11 Jun night and last night plus this morning, the bubbly becuming foamy. Not sure to be happy as it shows the water is dirty...Guess there really is a run in period. For those who have issues with their skimmers and if it keep over flowing. What we did is to elevate it so that the water level outside the skimmer is lower maybe 1/2 give and take depending on the ssupport you use. If its too low the water level in the skimmer may not push up to the optimal level. If its too high, skimmer over flow and really hard to tune it down. Basically tried for 30 minutes. Hope this information helps those with new skimmers.

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the collection cup is starting to fill with black liquid and the stem to the cup is turning dark green. pretty impressed with the results. For those who like to know, we are trying out Jebo 520 which and AP5200 pump. WHich is abt 3000l pump. All for less then 100!

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