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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 10 June 2013 - 16 June 2013

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Guys, any six line wrasse spotted at ah beng or irwarna? Or anywhere else?
Saw a couple at AM yesterday night

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Some uncommon and rare fishes @ CF..

Earlei Wrasse

Eightline Flasher Wrasse

Agile Chromis

Midget Chromis

Indigo Dottyback, 1 Blue and 1 Purple

One-Fin Flashlight (Price not confirmed yet)

A pair of healthy Bellus Angel

A "suspected" Armitagei Angel

Ringens Triggerfish

Pteragogus Flagellifer (Cool fish with a personality, this is probably the 5th pc I have come across)

Zamboanga Tuskfish (Deepwater, a bit of decompression problem)

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Thursday 8am Australia shipment at Iwarna.

Acropora sp.

Blastomussa sp.

Cynarina lacrymalis

Favia sp.

Goniastrea sp.

Lobophyllia sp.

Symphyllia sp.

Montipora sp.

Trachyphyllia geoffroyi

Epaulette shark

Personifer angel (meredithi)

Chromis nitida

Chrysiptera starcki

Cirrhilabrus scottorum

Macropharyngodon choati

Uncommon Rabaulichthys squirei (only 3 pairs)

Always something more important than fish.


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Fish channel as at this evening,

2 japanese angels

Lots of stable M size blue line angels from Taiwan

Lots of beautiful scribbled angels M-XL

1 XL ear spot angel

3 emperor angels L- XXL (from various locations)

Harlequin basslet

Mexican hogfish

Spanish hogfish

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Thursday 8am Australia shipment at Iwarna.

Macropharyngodon choati

What is the size and price?


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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