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WTS/ WTT Bioload Sell Off: Yellow Hog, Sailfin, Longnose, hawkfish A


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All fish are stable, healthy, and have been with me for 4 - 10 months

Yellow Hogfish -- Nice looking and very healthy but I have two of them and together they can be a bit aggressive towards new additions

Here is a photo of the little brother since big brother is already in the sump and ready to be picked up.


Sailfin Tang --- About 3". Absolutely lovely personality. Eats anything. Will eat out of your hand. It's still relatively small but make sure you have enough space for it grow.


This should give you an idea of it's size.


Longnose Hawkfish --- My porcelain crab, acro crabs, and cleaner shrimp are still alive. So, it appears that it is invertebrate safe.


Algae Blenny



Make me an offer for all. Finding a good home for them is more important than getting the best price.

Minimum 3 foot tank

Also willing to consider a fair trade for SPS / zoas

Trading in the East near Haig Road

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