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Tang and ich

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  • SRC Member

I just came across somebody writing about the affinity between Tangs and ich and lo and behold, I noticed my new 3" blue tang kena ich and scratching against the live rocks... Any remedies to help me solve my ich problems ?

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  • SRC Member

if it is eating i suggest leave it alone. just keep your water clean.

It's eating and swimming well.

Problem with Marine tank with live rocks is that catching a fish is terribly troublesome.

I read about this product known as No-Ich ... wonder if anybody has come across it being sold in Spore ?

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  • SRC Member

If you tank got not coral, can consider hypo salinity treatment.

Will be difficult for my tank which has Live rocks but no corals.


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To be honest, there ain't any cure for ich that can make sure ur system is ich free. Unless u can dose copper , provided you dont have any copper. Otherwise, if its possible, catch every SINGLE fish out and leave your tank empty for at least 30days. For best results , leave tank empty for 8weeks. By leaving the tank empty, it kills the itch completely because by doing so it starves the ich. As every newborn ich will have to find a host to host on within 24hours. Otherwise the newborn's will eventually die off. After letting your tank cycle for 8weeks, you can safely add fishes from reliable LFS that supplies ich free fishes. Otherwise you will have to go through the 8 weeks cycle all over again. Best is to quarrantine the fishes for at least 1 month and make sure they are feeding before adding it into your DT. *ANOTHER SIDE NOTE* : By raising your temperatures to levels at approx between 29ºc-31ºc helps to speed up the cycle of the ich reproductivity. This means that you are good to go at around the 6th -7th week. (BASE ON MY EXPERIENCE) Hope that helps .. Cheers..

Tank and Equipments Used:-

Tank Size: 3x1.5x2

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Lighting: DE 36 Inch T5 Retrofit 6 x 39 Watts | 5 ATI Blue Plus & 1 ATI Special Blue.

Wavemaker: 1x WP-40 | 1x SUNSUN 5000ltr/hr


Skimz ideas FR: Running ROWAPHOS (FEEDER PUMP: RESUN 1000)

Enductor FR: Running NP Biopellet (FEEDER PUMP: AQUABEE 1000)

Chaeto in sump

~ Watching my tank matures and progressing day by day , gives me great satisfactory


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Ohh yeah, forgot to add , the ich cycle can be completed between 7days - 72days. So use my above method that i taught you to be on the safe side:) Cheers.

Tank and Equipments Used:-

Tank Size: 3x1.5x2

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Lighting: DE 36 Inch T5 Retrofit 6 x 39 Watts | 5 ATI Blue Plus & 1 ATI Special Blue.

Wavemaker: 1x WP-40 | 1x SUNSUN 5000ltr/hr


Skimz ideas FR: Running ROWAPHOS (FEEDER PUMP: RESUN 1000)

Enductor FR: Running NP Biopellet (FEEDER PUMP: AQUABEE 1000)

Chaeto in sump

~ Watching my tank matures and progressing day by day , gives me great satisfactory


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  • SRC Member

Keep your water condition good and also feed them with food soak with garlic guard to boast their immunity should do the trick.

Previously i also have ich on my hippo tang which is due to my nephew and niece stressing them by knocking on the glass and scaring them.

As long as the fish is feeding well and swimming it shouldn't be an issue to nurse it back to health.



Maxspect Gyre

Maxspect Razer 120w 16k

H2O FR with Rowa

Eheim Universal 2400

BM Nac 5.5

JBJ Arctica 1/10Hp

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One of the greatest culprits of ich is 'stress'. Never put new fishes into the main tank. Not even those u just obtained from another fellow reefer. I've always placed my new acquisitions in my sump and wait until they r calmer and eating well. Sometimes, even in the sump disaster occurs viz. in fightiing....but though death occurs, the others that survive make it to the main tank.

Currently my sump has a 9" Lo, a 6" blue tang, a black ocellaris, two cardinals and a fat powder blue.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I left mine alone and fed them with food soaked in garlic and the ick went away. Kept water clean and bioload low and water temperature stable.

Tank : 2.5 x1.5 x 2

Skimmer : Bubble Magus NAC3.5

Lighting : Maxspect 110W

Chiller : Hailea 150 @ 27Deg

Salt : TropicMarin

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Ah beng @ 1345: Radiata lion, fu machu lion, dwarf zebra lion, harlequin tusk, skunk tile, purple tile, yellow tile, naso, yellow eye kole, mimic, idol, lots of hippo, yt, various butterfly, coral beauty, bicolor angel, clown tang, tomini, convict tang, pbt, peppermint shrimp, stonefish, white blenny, bicolor blenny, various clowns, swalesi bass, small clown trigger, many frogs, termphase clown wrasse, yellow wrasse, sailfin tang, yellowtail wrasse, stripe bass, bumble bee snail, sexy, cling fish, possum wrasse, firegoby, purple fire, zoa, bubble, gonio, mushroom, elegance, plate, cup, cabbage, jellyfish....

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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  • 1 month later...

Leave it as long as the fish is still swimming naturally. Ich is like fever or flu, will go away once the fish beef up its immune system. The more medicine or changing of its environment will cause stress and likely to make it worst....

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U can try polplab medic, works fine for some tanks. Im my case, its heavily infested so it only reduces the infedtation but not cure it

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Figured i should chime in on this.

I too bought a blue tang about 3-4 weeks ago.

It starts to have "ich" just few hours after i placed it in the DT. However for the following 2 weeks it is eating very well and the spots comes and go like every couple of hrs (IE morning got white spot, evening its all gone). So against better judgement i left it in the DT hoping that it will cure itself in due time.

On the 3rd week, it just suddenly got worse. It went from white spots to white patches that loosely hangs on its body. Within a few hours all my other fish caught the same symptoms. My entire tank got wiped out with the exception of 6line wrasse. (total causalities 1x royal gamme, 2x fire fish, 2x clowns, 1x blue tang)

So on the hindsight, i should have removed the blue tang much earlier. And i'm guessing that my fish had caught something else much more deadly than ich.

As such i will recommend that you may want to isolate the blue tang ASAP and set up a small QT for it.

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