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Is this Cotton Wool Disease?

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  • SRC Member

Hi, please help.

I noticed a white lump developed on the lower jaw of my clownfish almost a week ago.

Since then there is no additional development on this clown.

But this clownfish has always been chasing off the smaller clownfish during feeding. Other than that, they get on quite well.

Recently, the smaller clown also started developing white lumps on its fin & body. I suspect this was passed to him by the bigger clown during its "attack".

The 2 clowns are still swimming and feeding actively.

Reading up, I suspect this is Lymphocystitis, or Cotton Wool. But I can't confirm.

Can anyone help provide a positive ID, so that I can take the correct measures. Thank you.


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Same happen to my percular clown also, no treatment apply, but must made sure the water para is correct and weekly water change. The fish will heal by itself. For my clown fish, it took about 3weeks fully cure. Hope this help

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  • SRC Member

Same happen to my percular clown also, no treatment apply, but must made sure the water para is correct and weekly water change. The fish will heal by itself. For my clown fish, it took about 3weeks fully cure. Hope this help

Thanks Happyreef.

Was doing weekly 20% water change previously. Going to include a 10% WC into the week. Hope they recover soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Same occur to my percular clown also, no treatment implement, but must made sure the the water para is appropriate and every week the water change. The seafood will treat by itself. For my clown seafood, it took about 3weeks completely treat. Wish this helpSame occur to my percular clown also, no treatment implement, but must made sure the the water para is appropriate and every week the water change. The seafood will treat by itself. For my clown seafood, it took about 3weeks completely treat. Wish this help

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  • SRC Member
Same occur to my percular clown also, no treatment implement, but must made sure the the water para is appropriate and every week the water change. The seafood will treat by itself. For my clown seafood, it took about 3weeks completely treat. Wish this helpSame occur to my percular clown also, no treatment implement, but must made sure the the water para is appropriate and every week the water change. The seafood will treat by itself. For my clown seafood, it took about 3weeks completely treat. Wish this help
Can u explain in English?
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  • SRC Member

bro hows ur clownfish so far?

Hi Bro,

They are doing fine.

The white lumps on the smaller clownfish are all gone.

The lump on the larger clown is still there, but it has reduced in size.

Both are getting along much better with less "attack" by the larger clown.

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Same occur to my percular clown also, no treatment implement, but must made sure the the water para is appropriate and every week the water change. The seafood will treat by itself. For my clown seafood, it took about 3weeks completely treat. Wish this helpSame occur to my percular clown also, no treatment implement, but must made sure the the water para is appropriate and every week the water change. The seafood will treat by itself. For my clown seafood, it took about 3weeks completely treat. Wish this help

Very interesting to say that the clown fish is a clown seafood. :D Maybe clown fish can be eaten.....

Lion seafood is more like it....

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Same occur to my percular clown also, no treatment implement, but must made sure the the water para is appropriate and every week the water change. The seafood will treat by itself. For my clown seafood, it took about 3weeks completely treat. Wish this helpSame occur to my percular clown also, no treatment implement, but must made sure the the water para is appropriate and every week the water change. The seafood will treat by itself. For my clown seafood, it took about 3weeks completely treat. Wish this help

nah this bro is just a spammer for sure...objectives just to build that 1 link to in his footer of his post. Probably someone from india or philippines hired to do so.

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