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How often do you guys need to siphon the air?


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Was wondering how frequent do you guys need to siphon out the air trapped in the I-box siphon U tube?

I am using a "i-box" method to siphon the water from the main tank to the sump tank and I have to siphon the air out of the U tube 3-4 week once!! or the water overflow from the i-box will slow down!!

Is there anyway to prevent air trap in the U tube?? other than upgrading to a IOS.... :lol:

Lucky the siphon U tube is transparent or I wouldnt know how much air to siphon out!

Sigh!! very time have to suck in some salt water!!!! <_<

Hi kschew1498,

I'm using I-box but I modified the U-tube because the original one was not able to support my return pump.

So far I do not need to siphon the air, it's about 4 months now.

The easiest and most effective way to siphon the air is to use a powerhead with air in-take. Connect the air tube to the powerhead and stick the other end of the air tube into the U-tube. Initially you will see lots of bubble being pump out of the powerhead. You'll know when it's done when only water but no air is being pump out.

With the air tube from the powerhead you can move it around freely in the U-tube to ensure 100% air removal.

I've showed Ian how I did it when he visited my tank, maybe he got no time to update his website :D

I know the frustration of drinking salt water :P .

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not necessary the same design... if yours a CPR there are design fault...

kschew1498, can u take the photo from the top?

The air must come from somewhere. Could be air bubbles being created when water rushing down from yr inflow box. One thing I can think if is to extend the length of yr U tube. The outflow one must be lower than the inflow.

I would be VERY worry if I detect air bubble trapping inside the U tube. The siphon could break anytime... and tank flooded...

Hi Tango

Here is a pic. I just took on the top view of the "i-box".

quote:"The outflow one must be lower than the inflow." I dont quite understand? Does it make any difference?? :huh:

So far...I have ever try leaving the air inside and it only slow down....I really very slow suction....to the extend the water surface of my tank isnt flow towards the i-box.... <_<

Anyway, you spot anything from the pic? Any advise is appreciated. :P


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The pipe on the right is slightly bigger. the one on the left is not in use. I think.

For kschew1498 case i don't think it will make a difference. I've seen your Overflow box before overseas. Sorry but thats the one with design flaw. It does not allow your siphon to work fast enough no matter what you do. Sorry. :(


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But my question here isnt whether the siphon is fast <_< enough....but......the freqency of siphoning the air trapped in the U-tube or should I say the n-tube! ;)

Anyway, I can easily increase the speed of the ###### by lowering it all the way to the edge of the tank. (Notice in my pic. I have something brown in color to raise the I-box...and it is basically to slow down the siphoning of the water to the sump tank!) :)

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But my question here isnt whether the siphon is fast  <_< enough....but......the freqency of siphoning the air trapped in the U-tube or should I say the n-tube! ;)

If the flow is fast enough, you do not need to siphon the air out of the U-tube at all. Whatever air gets in will be forced out.

Anyway, I can easily increase the speed of the ###### by lowering it all the way to the edge of the tank. (Notice in my pic. I have something brown in color to raise the I-box...and it is basically to slow down the siphoning of the water to the sump tank!) :)

Sorry bro, but by increasing the overall height of your OFB should not slow the flow. :nc:

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Actually, if something can go wrong, it will. The micro bubbles will eventually form a pocket of air . I used a small flexible air tube to suck the air out.

Another idea that will remove this problem is to implement a powerhead with air intake. Put the air intake into your pipe that collects the bubbles. You suffer a slight drop in the flow but it is fool proof.

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