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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATE - 13 May 2013 - 19 May 2013

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Lck Still have <br /><br />Achilles tang,<br />Lineatus<br />Balteatus wrasse<br />Flame back <br />Bartlett Anthias<br />Blue Reef chromis<br />Vanderbilt chromis<br />Mystery wrasse<br />Earle's fairy wrasse <br />Blue spot jawfish<br />Helfrich's goby<br />Royal gramma<br />Flame angel<br />Multicolor angel<br />Neon goby<br /><br />Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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Lck Still have <br /><br />Achilles tang,<br />Lineatus<br />Balteatus wrasse<br />Flame back <br />Bartlett Anthias<br />Blue Reef chromis<br />Vanderbilt chromis<br />Mystery wrasse<br />Earle's fairy wrasse <br />Blue spot jawfish<br />Helfrich's goby<br />Royal gramma<br />Flame angel<br />Multicolor angel<br />Neon goby<br /><br />Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Is this a new shipment?

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Got SSC sps too. Awesome looking. Too bad my wallet not fat, can only drool at it.

What is the SSC price like?


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Not sure, but its a nice size colony

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Just came back from Ah Beng. Scribble Angels left with only 1 L female one. Got 2 Carribean queen Angel, 1 Blue Angel, 1 Huge AT and 1 L Bandit. Rest are all normal fishes

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Lck Still have

Achilles tang,


Balteatus wrasse

Flame back

Bartlett Anthias

Blue Reef chromis

Vanderbilt chromis

Mystery wrasse

Earle's fairy wrasse

Blue spot jawfish

Helfrich's goby

Royal gramma

Flame angel

Multicolor angel

Neon goby

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

A couple of tail spot blennies from USA in LCK.
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O........btw has anyone taken pic of iwarna's clam n how much hmmm got super small one for my ofc nano tank hehe
Bro i also want a small one... But minimum size is about 5inch... And its about 5blues.... I was there when they unpack, so couldnt take any pics of it opened... But i can tell its gonna be awesome!! Too bad...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Bro i also want a small one... But minimum size is about 5inch... And its about 5blues.... I was there when they unpack, so couldnt take any pics of it opened... But i can tell its gonna be awesome!! Too bad...
Thank you bro, u r really a life reporter. Just kidding
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If anyone is keen in Irwana's today shipment.

As at 5.30PM, there are plenty of GEM clam still available.

For SPS keeper, there are also Red planet Millie, SSC among the SPS which came in same shipment.

I don't think they will all "disappeared" or got "reserved" overnight. :P


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If anyone is keen in Irwana's today shipment.

As at 5.30PM, there are plenty of GEM clam still available.

For SPS keeper, there are also Red planet Millie, SSC among the SPS which came in same shipment.

I don't think they will all "disappeared" or got "reserved" overnight. :P

Any idea how much is the red planet?

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Any idea how much is the red planet?

Think is 15 red notes. Slightly smaller than fist size.

Got 2 piece. You need to blast the SPS back to full redness due to shipping stress.


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Think is 15 red notes. Slightly smaller than fist size.

Got 2 piece. You need to blast the SPS back to full redness due to shipping stress.

I believe this is not red planet because it does not have the green base.

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