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Help - Curing of LR

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Hi Experts,

Pse help

This is what I have done, I bought some uncured LRs from LFS, decided to cure it first B4 putting it into my tank, this is what i have done

Day 1 - mixed saltwater and LRs into a 2ft tank and nothing else no sand, no filter, no air pump, no skimmer and no light

Day 2 - remove some worms from the tank

Day 3 - stinky smell, decided to add in a internal filter (formerly for my fresh water tank) remove a layer of oil as well

Day 4 - observe black patches on the LRs (hope it is not dead yet) NH3 - High, NO2 - Zero

What should I do now ? add sand, add power head, add skimmer ? throw away the rocks or what ? Mom started to complain about the smell -sigh


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Btw, I'm not an expert.

Are you trying to setup a new tank? Any snad bed? If so, I'll suggest u cycle ur LR in the new tank.

Based on ur test result, you are getting an ammonia spike now. Part of the cycle. Too much ammonia might crash ur system though.

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Cheapo skimmer is still better than no skimmer.

Yes, the LR can still be cured, just that the smell may stay for sometime.

Skimmer will not remove NH3, The baterias inside LR will.

Filter is not required, but may be a good idea to leave it there as to create some water movement.

p.s. i am not a expert as well ;)

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  • SRC Member
  cheong said:
Day 1 - mixed saltwater and LRs into a 2ft tank and nothing else no sand, no filter, no air pump, no skimmer and no light

Day 2 - remove some worms from the tank

Day 3 - stinky smell, decided to add in a internal filter (formerly for my fresh water tank) remove a layer of oil as well

Day 4 - observe black patches on the LRs (hope it is not dead yet) NH3 - High, NO2 - Zero


From day 1 to day 3, before you add-in an internal filter, was there any water circulation in your 2ft tank? <_<

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  cheong said:
No water circulation from day 1 to day 3

anyway just change the 50% water last night

That's where the problem. You are suffocating the life form in the LR without providing them oxygen. And this explain why your rock is turning black and rotting now ... They are dead rock now.

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  • SRC Member
  cheong said:
Hi Experts,

Pse help

This is what I have done, I bought some uncured LRs from LFS, decided to cure it first B4 putting it into my tank, this is what i have done

Day 1 - mixed saltwater and LRs into a 2ft tank and nothing else no sand, no filter, no air pump, no skimmer and no light

Day 2 - remove some worms from the tank

Day 3 - stinky smell, decided to add in a internal filter (formerly for my fresh water tank) remove a layer of oil as well

Day 4 - observe black patches on the LRs (hope it is not dead yet) NH3 - High, NO2 - Zero

What should I do now ? add sand, add power head, add skimmer ? throw away the rocks or what ? Mom started to complain about the smell -sigh

give good water circulation ;)

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Clean up the dead spot, which turn black now. Keep changing water and continue to cycle until the bad smell goes off. Remember to supply water movement during cycling.

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Sorry to use your thread......but also on LR:

Bought supposedly cured LR, put in styrofoam box with sea water for 2 days with power head, transfer to two feet tank.......but there are patches of white film forming on the LR, when I use power head to blow over it, the white film came off, like tissue paper flying all over my tank....what are these? Now i have put the skimmer on, with a power head, with hang on filter.....

Ammonia very high, off the colour chart....

Is it normal to have the white thingy???

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  • SRC Member
  KCK said:
Sorry to use your thread......but also on LR:

Bought supposedly cured LR, put in styrofoam box with sea water for 2 days with power head, transfer to two feet tank.......but there are patches of white film forming on the LR, when I use power head to blow over it, the white film came off, like tissue paper flying all over my tank....what are these? Now i have put the skimmer on, with a power head, with hang on filter.....

Ammonia very high, off the colour chart....

Is it normal to have the white thingy???

Yes. I had those when my tank is cycling. It means that the portion of the rocks has dieoff.

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