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Help! Newbie put fish in tank without cycling!

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Hi! I recently on Saturday, converted my freshwater tank (around 14G) into homemade saltwater using tapwater and sea salt, and put 8kg of live rock into it. However, i did not fully cycle my tank, as I only started the skimmer and the filter pump :thumbdown: and on Sunday went to purchase a soft coral, a triggerfish and an emperor.

On monday, the emperor died, but the coral and trigger fish seemed to be doing well. :rip:

On Tuesday, I went to the LFS Aquamarin and bought 6 damsels, 1 naso tang, 1 brown gobi and 2 small saltwater crabs along with 2 polyp corals and a grass coral.

Today, I read up about the nitrogen cycle and realised I did not cycle my tank before putting livestock in! Cycling with live rock should take a few weeks right? So what do I do? 1 damsel and the gobi has already died :rip: , although the corals seem to be doing very well :goodjob: .

Salinity is at 31-30, specific gravity 10.23, pH is at 8.5

However my nitrite level is at 3ppm or such as seen from my nitrite testing kit.

What should I do next? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, as I am very nervous and worried about the lives of my fish.

Thank you so much for reading! :ThanxSmiley:

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add some bio-bacteria loh...quickstart or something like dat...i'm using sera reefclear..water parameter seems 2 stabilize in 1 week..but freshwater sama sama also nid cycling leh..unless u get hardy fishes like damsel 2 help cycling..or the ever popular market prawn will do! Anyway i juz brought 1 big bottle of reefclear, can spare u afew ml..

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  • SRC Member

apart from not cycling your tank, you have too many fishes. i would only recommand 3 - 4 fishes in your 14G..

and most importantly, the triggerfish and naso tank are simply too big for your tank.. hopefully you'll remove them ASAP..

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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Dose bacteria for now.. and continue for about 2 weeks. Add some bio filter media to maintain the good bacteria level in your tank. I totally agreed with Evolution.. your bio load too high. Tangs family produce high level of bio load. Also please add live stock slowly.. 1 shots add few fishes will jeopardise the whole tank.. lastly, do you have a chiller?

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Hi bro, If I'm in your shoes, I'll be bring back the livestocks to AM. They can help their customers to hold the stocks for few weeks. Then I'll continue my cycling progress properly. Just my 10 cents . All the best wishes to you! linko

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Since u had already added so many fishes in a 14G tank, what i would recommend u to do is that either return the fishes like what linko bro said , or give them to fellow reefers. Even if u intend to add market prawn now, its too late. Youve already got fishes inside. Hence by doing so when there is a ammonia and nitrite spike, all ur fishes will just be wiped of. Suggest u give the fishes to someone who is ready to give them a good home. Also ur salinity is at very high levels. Try bringing it down to about 1.024-1.025. As having a seawater tank with to high salinity will just make the fish more stress as it is harder for them to breath in high salinity waters. After removing all fishes, dose microbacter 7 from brightwell aquatics. That should help. Follow their instructions. After 1month, youre good to go. Go read up more. Rushing and impatience wont help. Thats what i experienced and learned. There is a thread on nitrogen cycle on SGreefclub. Suggest to read up on that part. Last but not least, if youre intending to keep corals, rmb , use DISTILLED water. GoodLuck! Cheers!

Tank and Equipments Used:-

Tank Size: 3x1.5x2

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Lighting: DE 36 Inch T5 Retrofit 6 x 39 Watts | 5 ATI Blue Plus & 1 ATI Special Blue.

Wavemaker: 1x WP-40 | 1x SUNSUN 5000ltr/hr


Skimz ideas FR: Running ROWAPHOS (FEEDER PUMP: RESUN 1000)

Enductor FR: Running NP Biopellet (FEEDER PUMP: AQUABEE 1000)

Chaeto in sump

~ Watching my tank matures and progressing day by day , gives me great satisfactory


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Thank you all so much for your advice!

I think I"ll wait it out.. the tang seems to be doing well though.. It'd be a real pity to remove it...

1 more damsel has lost his/her life today, but the grass coral has come out of its skin and the corals are now bigger than ever.

Maybe I should let the tank mature first? I've removed the triggerfish and am planning to return it to AM though.

Should I remove the naso tang?

What fish varieties would you recommend for my 14G tank?

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  • SRC Member

Its assuring to read that you are nervous and worried about the lives of the fishes.

I think the most responsible thing to do now is to either sell the fishes to fellow reefers fast, or ask a LFS to keep your fishes for a period until your tank is fully cycled.

Yes, some fishes may seem to be swimming normal, but they can't talk and you may not notice the stress they may be going thru.

But again, some fishes you have chosen are actually not really suitable for a 14G. So do consider letting them go to other reefers.

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  • SRC Member

Bro i really think you should keep all your livestock in a safe place before you can provide them with a proper home.

We should start from basic before proceeding. Just for example will we be moving into our new home when it's still under construction?

Patience is the key to success for this hobby.

Before i started this hobby, i spend around half a year reading for all the information required before i attempt to ensure it to be a success and not harming anything in the process.

Understand the urge of seeing fishes swimming around your tank which many of us would have went through when we started initially.

But i will deem this as selfish because their lives is at stake while for us is just about money which i really don't think it's fair for them.

I suggest hosting them back at LFS or sell them away before you get your tank properly cycled.

During this one month or so period while waiting nitrogen cycle to complete, do some research about requirement of every individual livestock that you fancy.

By doing so you have not only gain more knowledge and you'll be saving money also.

Be a responsible reefer as every lives counts.

Feel free to post us any question in doubt, I'm certain there are many helpful bro's out here whom will be willing to assist.

Good luck!



Maxspect Gyre

Maxspect Razer 120w 16k

H2O FR with Rowa

Eheim Universal 2400

BM Nac 5.5

JBJ Arctica 1/10Hp

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  • SRC Member

I agree with distilled. Get a Di unit 2nd hand if u can't afford ro/Di. They are good enough and a resin refill can last a long time for a 14g nano. I sincerely hope you re home your naso tang.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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Yeah, your naso wont live long if you will to drag any longer. Naso needs very big tank and swimming space.

Tank and Equipments Used:-

Tank Size: 3x1.5x2

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Lighting: DE 36 Inch T5 Retrofit 6 x 39 Watts | 5 ATI Blue Plus & 1 ATI Special Blue.

Wavemaker: 1x WP-40 | 1x SUNSUN 5000ltr/hr


Skimz ideas FR: Running ROWAPHOS (FEEDER PUMP: RESUN 1000)

Enductor FR: Running NP Biopellet (FEEDER PUMP: AQUABEE 1000)

Chaeto in sump

~ Watching my tank matures and progressing day by day , gives me great satisfactory


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go buy seawater and replace your self-mix saltwater. try to get a bigger home for those fish that are going to outgrow your tank. (sell/give or upgrade your tank)

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Singapore Reef Club – We are an online discussion community which aim to provide quality information about setting up and keeping a marine reef aquarium. By joining us as a members, you will be able to learn and share your experience in this hobby and at the same time making some friends here !! We hope by educating the public about the marine hobby, we will be able to create greater awareness of the fragility of our coral reefs as well as loving each and every living fish / corals we purchase as a responsible reefer.

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Hi Bro, If you don't have good friendship with AM in this moment. Please let me know, I can help you to request to them to hold your Live stocks for few weeks. I stayed not so far from there. Yap, likewise the other bros said, please low down your salinity and try to get seawater. Hopefully it can reduce the stress for fishes before they get safe place. Good luck, Bro !

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