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Downsizing equipment sales

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Downsizing my 5ft and have a few equipments for sales.

1. Eheim pump 1264 - $100

2. Tunze 6080 Wave maker- $ 70.00 ( do note length of the power supply wire around 2.5M)

3. K3 Wave maker- $38.00 (still in the main tank)

4. Beamwork Ultra Bright clip 3W*9 come with original box – previously use for refugium and this light can work - $32.00

5. Seachem Reef advantage Calcium 1kg (98% full) + Salifert CA test kit (use around 5 times) expired in 2015- $36.00

6. CR with Ehiem 1048 - $ 150.00 ( from other reefer but never had the chance to use it )

All equipments have been use before and in good working condition.

Testing must be done on the collection day to prevent any dispute in future.

Delivery can be arranged if is on the way (FOC).

FCFS, Interested reefers can PM me.

Happy reefing!

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Sorry for the late reply not able to reply to each of you via SMS, but i reply all question here and I just took picture.

1. Tunze 6080 Wave maker- $ 70.00 (do note length of the power supply wire around 2.5M) - do not come with magnet holder.

2. K3 Wave maker- $38.00 (still in the main tank) - yes this is a hydor koralia 3 wave maker

3. Beamwork Ultra Bright clip 1W*9 come with original box – previously use for refugium and this light can work - $32.00 - (6 white, 3 blue)

4. Seachem Reef advantage Calcium 1kg (98% full) + Salifert CA test kit (use around 5 times) expired in 2017- $36.00

5. CR with Ehiem 1048 - $ 150.00

I do not know the brand of this CR, the picture is below ( CR and the ehiem 1048) as I have taken out the media and wash clean. Seriously I do not know how to use it.

So prefer someone who know what you want and know how to put it to good use.

Pls do send me another PM for those who have shown interest earlier.

I do not want to waste time SMS one by one and then no answer after that.

Thank you for your understanding.






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  • SRC Member

Hi bro, interested in the tunze wavemaker. I'm staying kembangan. How about you bro. 91078804. tks

The Universal Law of Cause and Effect a.k.a the Mystic Law manifested in the Universe as Nam-Myoho-Renge-kyo. For World Peace and Human Happiness.

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