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WTS: 1ft cube tanks, Dolphin HOB filter, live rocks, IQ skimmer, fans

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  • SRC Member

Just decomm-ed my nano tank. Some stuff to sell!

1) 1ft cube (5mm) with black silicon.

Back glass got black oyama pasted.

some mini scratches here and there.. nothing major..


2) 31x31x36cm (5mm) front curve clear silicon.

Bought from seaview. front glass got a little bit scratches but not obvious.


3) Dolphin h-800 Hang-on filter.

1000l/hr with BIG media space behind.. its around 28 - 29cm long so it fits a 1ft cube nicely.

FOC surface skimmer mod.

all stuff like filter cartridge all included


4) Dymax IQ skimmer.

used sanders 2 wood inside.

i use this skimmer inside the h-800.

get Tea color skimmate.


5) Dymax vortex w-8 fan

The bigger version of the 2.

Surprisingly quiet.


6) 5KG Quality live rocks.

actually its 2 big pieces. each probably around 20 - 30cm long.

smaller piece got a small colony of zoas on them, larger piece is a big flat piece. perfect for placing corals on top.

algae and pest free. got coraline algae on them.. will post the photos of the LR tomorrow.. still circulating in a pail.


picture below shows item 2, 3 and 4.


been running item 2 for 6 months with the HOB filter, 4KG LR, 5lb live sand and lots of corals.


will post photo of actual tank tomorrow.

SMS me at 9106-3934 self collect woodlands dr 72 only.


EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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