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type of lightings


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  • SRC Member

okok sorry in school so abit stress.. let me rephrase it.. here goes : i am currently deciding on the type of light needed for my 3 feet tank . i dun have much knowledge about T5 and MH light so i hope any of u can give advise me on which type of light to purchase.

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  • SRC Member

It all depends on what you want to keep as well as the ability to run a chiller, water top off device etc.

If you intend to keep SPS later, go for a MH setup, most probably 250w. That will require a chiller or a large number of fans and a water top off device. Otherwise, if you intend to keep to LPS and even clams, no reason why t5s- far cooler than MH, cannot suffice.

But tohelp you out a little, if you run the costs of initial setup of t5s vs MH, you will realise the price is quite similar. Add in the cost of bulb replacement, the cost of t5s rise substantially higher (of course, with current prices- futre prices might drop ). If you throw in a chiller, it might seem that MHs is a dumb option. But if you intend to keep corals in an optimum environment, you will end up getting a chiller anyway. MH to me is a better choice. The trick is to figure out how many watts you need, and to have a good light spread so you minimze the number of bulbs.

best luck ;)


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