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Sunset Millie

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How come my sunset Millie does not have those scaly orangy/melon colouration .

My Sunset has long tentacles but no organy / melon colour scale

Water condition all in check . Does it require high intensity light ? I'm using 6 tubes T5

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It's been with me for at least 1.5 years, and bought it from Uncle Cedric from his main tank .

His was beautiful and with Sunset Millie looks to die for

Mine had grown and rooted since than and at one stage when I was using MH, I could see some Sunset Millie looks, but now no longer available ???

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I bought a millie frag from iwarna. It looks very green and bushy. It is under T5. When I took it home and put it under MH light, the pink colour comes out in a week or two in the new growing tips. I guess it may be due to light.

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Correct me if I am wrong but based on my observations & reading up the forums, MH does produce better looking SPS colors compared to T5. I am not sure about LED but based on my own experience after using LEDs for 4.5 years & 3 different LED lightset, I got nothing but brown SPS. Not sure about the high end LED like radion & AI Vega or Orphek Atlantik. Those having success with LEDs are few & rare. Either they got the tuning of the spectrum right or some modifications have been done to the lightset itself. I am talking about colors here, growth is no issue. After I have converted back to T5, I can see colors slowly coming back. However to be fair to LEDs, one should have no issue with colors or growth with LPS ( placed in shady areas) or zoas. MH however, produce a lot of heat & consume eletricity like 'nobody business' with the chiller running like no tomorrow. T5 will still lose out no matter what. Well, depends on what one wants.

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Correct me if I am wrong but based on my observations & reading up the forums, MH does produce better looking SPS colors compared to T5. I am not sure about LED but based on my own experience after using LEDs for 4.5 years & 3 different LED lightset, I got nothing but brown SPS. Not sure about the high end LED like radion & AI Vega or Orphek Atlantik. Those having success with LEDs are few & rare. Either they got the tuning of the spectrum right or some modifications have been done to the lightset itself. I am talking about colors here, growth is no issue. After I have converted back to T5, I can see colors slowly coming back. However to be fair to LEDs, one should have no issue with colors or growth with LPS ( placed in shady areas) or zoas. MH however, produce a lot of heat & consume eletricity like 'nobody business' with the chiller running like no tomorrow. T5 will still lose out no matter what. Well, depends on what one wants.

Bro, MH can bring out some colour which T5 can't. And T5 can bring out colour which MH can't. So it 50/50. Best combination is MH with at 4 tubes T5, just MH along can't do much. For T5 light is not so intense as MH so super high demand SPS required more strong light abit hard unless you place it very very top.

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I'll be venturing into 10x Par 38 full spectrum LED + 4x T5 mix next week .

I'll update if my SPS will colour up or not in the weeks / months to come , or my last draw before I throw in the towel and decom .

Sadly, most of my SPS has been with me for 2-3 years and my tank is a virgin SPS forest. Never been fag other than accidental fragging during cleaning .

Who to blame,..... my itchy backside to change my MI to T5

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personally i think T5 + LED is the best. but seems like only ATI have such hybrids if not got to DIY. MH is really really hot though.. don't give up!

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Thanks for all the encouragements.

If all fails, I'll decom my current tank and go nano with full Zoa's . Fell in love with them after last week's visit to coral farm .

Easy to maintain both water parimeters and lights ... hehe ( me getting old and no more energy )

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Correct me if I am wrong but based on my observations & reading up the forums, MH does produce better looking SPS colors compared to T5. I am not sure about LED but based on my own experience after using LEDs for 4.5 years & 3 different LED lightset, I got nothing but brown SPS. Not sure about the high end LED like radion & AI Vega or Orphek Atlantik. Those having success with LEDs are few & rare. Either they got the tuning of the spectrum right or some modifications have been done to the lightset itself. I am talking about colors here, growth is no issue. After I have converted back to T5, I can see colors slowly coming back. However to be fair to LEDs, one should have no issue with colors or growth with LPS ( placed in shady areas) or zoas. MH however, produce a lot of heat & consume eletricity like 'nobody business' with the chiller running like no tomorrow. T5 will still lose out no matter what. Well, depends on what one wants.

I am orphek Atlantik user, and all my sps color got better and growing well under it! No joke, one set is good for 3x2x2!

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Bro sunnymau, is your SPS big colony or small frags? I heard about u using this LED from ML but yet to see it in person.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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And also, henry has a very hard time trying to convince me due to the bad experience i had, after using 3 different types of LED lightset for 4 years & my SPS colors all browns. After switch back to T5, the colors came back. Most SPS tanks here uses T5, with rare case of success with LED. Not only here, as well as on reefcentral. The forum there are more honest & i think it is due to culture. We asian are more conservative in how we speak & thus most keep quiet, whether failure or success. Henry even 'on' the lightset to show me. I am still not convince. LEDs cannot make it for SPS. This technology still in infant stages, T5 has been proven. I have to be honest here so that reefing can take a big leap forward in the area of SPS keeping. Is not that the purpose of setting up this forum in the first place? Those with success or failures, leave your honest comments here but of course, dun mention brands with failures.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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But, thinking back, those high end LEDs with green, red apart from the normal blue & white might do the trick. I must clarified i have nothing against LED but not now as i feel it has not proven it's worth. I will wait till LED has proven itself, jus like how T5 prove itself against T8, become the norm, then i will jump back. BTW, i have read articles about people jumping back to T5 or MH from LED. Jus google and u guys can find out why.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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I've seen a lot of successful sps tank with leds (mainly radions, razor, Al, evergrow) and their color looks amazing. Both local and overseas forum. led are definitely able to grow and color up spd IMHO.

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My 1st LED, lumenaqua, cost me $1.98k. 2nd set maxspect G2, $1.2k, 3rd & final set, maxspect razor. Give up after that. However, zoas & LPS color up but not SPS. Maybe they got the spectrum right for LED. T5 easier to mix.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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Any comments on the above 3 sets of LEDs that i have tried. Bro Evolutionz, of the whole lot brands that u have mentioned, radion & AI will have better chances of success. But after having dump over $3k into LED, i have become afraid of trying another LED & not getting the expected result. 3k is no small sum. Anyway, i am still keeping myself updated with LEDs advancenent.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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I used to surf a us forum where a led 'expert' bashes radion and AL for the use of cool white with multi colors (red and green) instead of warm/neutral white. That's why he mentioned that other than DIY-ing his own LED, the only led fixture he will consider buying is maxspect razor. I personally will only buy razor led for its full spectrum and very reasonable price. I personally uses razor but my tank is too young to determine whether the color will hold for long, but my mili with brown scaling did color up and is pink now.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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