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$50 for Blonde Naso and Mated True Percula


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Need to thin the herd a bit. Selling 6 inch ###### Naso together with Mated True Percula for only $50 (self-collect).

True Percula bought as mated pair from CF and has been with me for 2 months. Blond Naso about 2 weeks.

I'm staying at Loyang View (East).

I'm on MC today (lost my voice) and I'll be free until 5pm.

PM if interested. Thanks :)

I'll insert some pics below.


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Bro Terryz, smaller true clown just got a fight with common clown but a slight chip. Can view if have doubts.

I'm looking for genuine buyer. Only if Naso is sold then I'll sell the true percs for $30.

Not looking for any profit. All selling below market price for a better home.

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Ok guys,

I now realise its hard to sell these two fishes to just one buyer because

###### Naso - 5 footer and above and some other compatibility issues (hard to find aquarists with this requirement)

True Percs - 2 footer and above and some other compatibility issues (almost everyone meet this requirement)

I'm on MC again tomorrow. So I think I can wait if someone is interested.

So many PMs about the mated true percs. Ok then, I'll sell it to the one I find with suitable tank and willing to collect from my house tomorrow morning to about 2pm. Cost $30. By the way, the percs are feeding Ocean Nutrition Flakes, brine shrimps and mysis all soaked in garlic. Been with me for two months. Do bear in mind that the true percs require stable parameters and is more sentive than the $1 common clown, so if your tank has just finished cycling, you have to wait 3-4 months for it to be stable and buy a good pair at CF for $36 or $45 and trained them to feed. I don't want to see you pay $30 bucks and end up with dead clownfishes 3-5 days later.

I guess I'll keep Naso in holding tank for a while until the right one comes along. If you think you have a suitable five footer and above with the right stocking for Blond Naso, PM me to find out. Oh yeah, you need seaweed too. This guy is a seaweed eater, at least for now.


Staying at Loyang View.

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Hi nicky,

Thanks for the info on Killerwhale. But I've already reserved the true percs to Bro nutx so I have to honour that until 2pm. Also bro odi will be next in line if deal fails.

Left the blond naso but currently waiting for confirmation from someone. Killerwhale can you PM me?

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Mated True Percs Deal:

Bro nutx has collected the mated true percs at 11 am. Bro, hope you can keep me updated of the progress on how they are doing these few days :) I'll miss them lotz! Nice meeting you and sorry about my croaking voice.

###### Naso Deal:

Deal is off. Anyone looking for this beauty who has low stocking with five footer and above can PM me.

I just realise I'm just a copepod! :angry:

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Sorry guys, let me add.

Naso Tang is not a beginner fish because you must know how to feed seaweed to them and they should not have aggressive tankmates in its first month to recuperate and adjust to your surrounding. Once happy in your tank, they are hardy in tang standard.

If you have "terror tangs" and menacing territorial "large angel" in your tank already, then I won't let you shred this fish to pieces for "$20 entertainment" unless you have a well cycled holding tank to separate them first. The Naso will get stressed, then refuse to feed and finally dead within 1-3 weeks. So, only serious buyer and the one really looking for this beauty will get priority.

All tanks with ich outbreaking in the last three weeks should stabilise your tank first. So don't apply.

I prefer 6 footer and above tank, currently on low stock. 5 footer may try but 6 footer will get advantage. I will give you the seaweed that he is feeding for a good head start to nutrition.

PM me. I'll check my post at 12.30 pm today and decide.

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