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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATES - 22 April 2013 to 28 April 2013

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tEc" post="1102915" timestamp="1366723339"]The Fish Channel M/L size pellet feeding morris idol Bi colour angel Mandrain goby Algae blenny Small size regal Beautiful and very affordable red margin wrasse. Couple of blue tangs All selling at good pricing.
Did u say pellet feeding mandarin fish?
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Pinnacles @ 945: Scolymia, acans, monti, millies, gonio, leather, gsp, mushrooms, candycane, seasquirt, zoa rocks, bta, elegances, black sun, duncans, SSC frags and colony, marine betta, blueface angels, dwarf lion, radiata lion, volitan lion, bicolor blenny, yellow wrasse, six line, rabbitfish, moorish idols, mandarin, powder brown, picasso trigger, sailfin tang, bicolor angel, 1x 5inch blue tang, powder blue tang, sweet lips, laboutie wrasse, lineatus wrasse, assessor basslet...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Pinnacles @ 945:Scolymia, acans, monti, millies, gonio, leather, gsp, mushrooms, candycane, seasquirt, zoa rocks, bta, elegances, black sun, duncans, SSC frags and colony, marine betta, blueface angels, dwarf lion, radiata lion, volitan lion, bicolor blenny, yellow wrasse, six line, rabbitfish, moorish idols, mandarin, powder brown, picasso trigger, sailfin tang, bicolor angel, 1x 5inch blue tang, powder blue tang, sweet lips, laboutie wrasse, lineatus wrasse, assessor basslet...

Hi bro,u know how much is the laboutie wrasse?

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Hi bro,u know how much is the laboutie wrasse?
Bro, laboutie is 3 blues...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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  • SRC Member
tEc" post="1102915" timestamp="1366723339"]The Fish Channel M/L size pellet feeding morris idol Bi colour angel Mandrain goby Algae blenny Small size regal Beautiful and very affordable red margin wrasse. Couple of blue tangs All selling at good pricing.
May i ask is it Small regal tang?
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Black ocellaris? Iwarna always have.

Here's a photo of blue squamosa under metal halide. Do not wait too long to own these gems, 50% of 80 clams have already been snapped up within 24 hours. Mostly left 4" & 5" clams.


Always something more important than fish.


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Any Yellow Eye Kole Tang spotted?
I saw one or two pieces at Jireh Marine on Sunday. Perhaps you can call and check whether still got. Size is about 3". I'm not sure how much, didn't ask.
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  • SRC Member
Black ocellaris? Iwarna always have. Here's a photo of blue squamosa under metal halide. Do not wait too long to own these gems, 50% of 80 clams have already been snapped up within 24 hours. Mostly left 4" & 5" clams. attachicon.gifhttp://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=194041'>ImageUploadedByTapatalk1366817984.972287.jpg
Thanks bro fuel... May I ask how much is a black ocellaris? I bought one for less than one red but didn't last...thanks
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