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how to start a tank of angels

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  • SRC Member

Not an expert but i have about 14 angels in my tank. If possible, buy from small to big. But i understand some rare angels u cant get to choose the size. What i do is put them in the main tank with divider between the new angel and the current ones. This is to let the new angel settle down and start feeding and to prevent from been bully. If the new angel is bigger than the current one, once it is feeding, u can release to mix with the rest.

This was taught to me by TFC

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tEc" post="1102470" timestamp="1366545467"]Not an expert but i have about 14 angels in my tank. If possible, buy from small to big. But i understand some rare angels u cant get to choose the size. What i do is put them in the main tank with divider between the new angel and the current ones. This is to let the new angel settle down and start feeding and to prevent from been bully. If the new angel is bigger than the current one, once it is feeding, u can release to mix with the rest.This was taught to me by TFC
That is so true!
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  • SRC Member

Just sharing my 5 cents worth.

I have about 15 Angels of different breeds, some are in groups of 2 or 3 s....

I guess the biggest challenge for you will be:

1. Potential of ICH

2. Bully at work

3. Readiness to consume food

Solution varies ...

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Currently I hv 8 large angelfish size fm 1.5 to 7inch. IMO, is better to hv angelfish eating aggressively before putting into display tank. And watchout are they just fighting or going for a kill. If just fighting, leave them alone. But if they are going for a kill, which mean even if one is hiding and the others still hunt him down, I think better decide to catch either one of them out.

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  • SRC Member

Ich is quite easy if u act fast. Using copper, u will see effect in about 3 to 4 days for mild cases. Flukes is 1 thing quite common in wild angels. Fresh water dip or prazi will settle that. Bacteria infection is abit more work. Sometimes angels will just stop eating.some use yellow powder to bath the fish for 1 day.

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I add them slowly. Cos all 1 time high chance of getting ich.

unless u already have copper in your tank then can add many in a time. But slowly acclimatise to get the new angels to the copper in yr tank.

If they fight, Ill take the agressive one out and throw in my sump tank. Then add it back after 1 day. keke. problem solved. for me at least.

I've 10 Angels in my 4 ft tank. Thinking of 2 more than will stop already.

Do what my shifu VTec did for adding of new angels and you should not go wrong.

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  • SRC Member

thanks bro bulldozer, I guess for ich,its all about quarantine and good water parameters. bully at work,how you deal with that?

Firstly, I am not a technical expert. I just love Marine Fish but I am a lazy fellow.

I don't have any steps or program to prevent ich.

I simply use copper because I am one of those who don't enjoy corals, so copper is the simplest method for me.

Adding all at the same time should reduce the 'Bully' Factor lower but not guarantee.

Besides that, I tried to buy pellet eating angels and place them in a container (big) within the main tank. Hopefully the rest will accept this new member, vice versa.

Nothing is 100% but at least it helps a lot.

I hope you will find joy in keeping angels too ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your tank is too small for angels unless u are talking abt dwarf

I agree with Bro vtec. I am starting to find my 4 x 2 x 2.5 tank to small for my angels. The problem with angels is they are so beautiful tat u will want to have all of them. Hehe

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  • 3 months later...

Hello guys, i am planning a 125 gallon fowlr tank full of angels.

I would like to add the following angels:

regal angel

maculous angel

asfur angel

emperor angel

Do you think this is too much in a 72" x 18" x 21" tank? I plan on adding other fish like wrasses and other small fish and maybe one or two tang.

Is it okay to obtain all the fish first and then hyposalinity in case of ich, and prazipro for flukes first?

Thanks for your help,


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Hey kohpee. A good tank with great maintenance and husbandry will suffice. ICH is just a common name WE used to describe fish when white spots appears. I have my fair share when I started reefing 15yrs ago. As technology advances, bio-pellets comes in handy too (just YouTube for bio-pellets info). Most importantly, always ensure water quality. My 02 cents.

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