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Genna caught for speeding!!


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does anyone knw the exact demerit for speeding in a normal rd for 80km/hr?? Actually 2day i was driving in this long rd at woodlands ave 12 and i was travelling 80km/hr. There was a blue police van and they were using some sort of radar gun to track speeding vehicles. I think i din stop in time and genna photo by them oredi.. Does anyone genna this before?? :o:thanks:

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More than 30km/h less than 40km/h = $170 fine and 5 points.

Usually your speedo shows a slightly higher speed than the actual speed so you might just get away with $150 fine and 3 points that is for speeding of more than 20km/h and less then 30km/h.

This is only true if I remember correctly, cos got caught for speeding more than 10 yrs back when I was younger. Now good boy liao :P Cos need the NOD of 5% lol.

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if radar camera one then it will be send to the registered owner.

You just pray it is shooting the other side of the road instead :)

That day I was driving to CF and at Jalan Bahar also got this radar camerra van at the side. Luckily there are some heavy vehicle parking at one lane of the road and it was jammed up and everyone moved slowly.

I drove passed and saw it setup there. On the way back I drive very carefully liao else I sure kanna.

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recently just cleared my 1 year probation, I know how you feel.....when you have only 12 points. It's damn scary!! Hope they missed you...

did they set up a road block to block off 2/3 of the road???? if they have and didnt stop you, you should be fine.

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GT...good for you... I cleared on the 29th of Jan :lol:

eggtart20, if you are travelling at 80km/h, probably wont kana (not 21km above speed limit yet), but if you are above that.....got chance kana..... :(

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  • SRC Member

Think there is one issue u forget....commercial van speed limit is 60km/h and u r drivin at 80km/h. So go figure out for urself. ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member
GT...good for you... I cleared on the 29th of Jan :lol:

eggtart20, if you are travelling at 80km/h, probably wont kana (not 21km above speed limit yet), but if you are above that.....got chance kana..... :(

Lol. remember u told me that time u took during chinese new year so let u all pass. I got it better. i took mine on 24th. got it with 18 points

First 20 seconds after turning on engine Bang kerb. 10 points gone. Then slow acceleration 4 points. and 1 more 4 points. but the points i got deducted are the points i never expected to get deducted. and the ones i expected to get deducted never got ticked. Doing U turn in heavy rain . i stalled 4 times. Yes 4. no points for that. :) . chinese new year rox

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