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Fritz Salt For SPS

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  • SRC Member

Just wondering anyone using fritz pro aquatic salt mix and having good result with your sps??

been trying to pin point the problem with my tank with a senior reefer and i cant seem to figure out what is wrong


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I used it since last July 2012. But I have a few SpS like Digitata & Monti Cap. So I have no idea to help your problem. I'm sorry for that and I would like to know what's your problem with that salt. :)

How much u 6055 ? Thanks pls SMS 96633566
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  • SRC Member

I used it since last July 2012. But I have a few SpS like Digitata & Monti Cap. So I have no idea to help your problem. I'm sorry for that and I would like to know what's your problem with that salt. :)

No problem with the salt but cant think of anything else so just wanted to be sure haha

I'm finishing my 2nd 25kg carton; no issues

Keeping SPS - montipora, digitata, millepora, birdnest

Just curious what is wrong with yours?

Please share so we can learn

To sum up, my water parameters should be ok (had a help from fellow reefer on testing mag, cal, dkh - can give more detail info later if needed kinda tight up by work right now). Quick details: ph 8.2, no2, no3, po4, ammonia all 0. Sal was kinda high before at 1.027. lowered it to 1.025 trying to get it to 1.023 - 1.024 by today.

Lighting wise i am using aqua illumination LED lights setted up at 14kk look (reef depot info - not sure what it means :blush: lol but got a pm from them to try out this setting for mixed reef tank).

placement of sps is on 3 different levels: lower end of tank, middle of tank and higher end of tank.

all sps suffering from STN...

do let me know of any other info needed :thumbsup:

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do u have any softies? are they showing any signs of problem?

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  • SRC Member

I bought from Aquamarine and finish 1 big tub, no problem oso...

same. i used to get their mixed water. was told they use fritz as such i got the same one too. seems like also not salt mix problem liao....

do u have any softies? are they showing any signs of problem?

Yup. only other coral i have is 9 zoas, 2 hammer, 2 torch all of which has no problems.

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I had this problem too. took months to find the problem. my conclusion is that it was because of Alk fluctuations or low nutrients, or combo of both. I think for your case, it most probably Alk fluctuations.

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  • SRC Member

ok i will moniter the alk reading closely have a feeling you are right (was 9 few days back 7.8 today!!). any idea why is this so?

and also what additive i should get to help me tackle the problem?

i got read sea reef foundation B which came as part of the test kit and Coralline Gro (from red sea too). anything else i should get? and which would be better? read on the instruction that coralline gro maintains dkh at 8.4 (meaning it would not be above 8.4??).

from their site:

"To promote coralline algae in fish only or soft coral aquariums the alkalinity needs to be maintained at approximately 3 meq/L ( 8.4 °dKH ) and specific minor and trace elements need to be readily available."

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My advice is to stop adding all additives. Leave the tank to run for 1 week without adding anything. Change water and test again after 1 week. Then test everyday at the same time, you'll know how much Ca & Alk is consumed in 1 day. Then start adding Alk & Ca to get the dseired level and keep it stable at the level. Everything should be okay after a few weeks. You really don't need all those weird additives. Also good to add Kalk to your top up water.

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  • SRC Member

My advice is to stop adding all additives. Leave the tank to run for 1 week without adding anything. Change water and test again after 1 week. Then test everyday at the same time, you'll know how much Ca & Alk is consumed in 1 day. Then start adding Alk & Ca to get the dseired level and keep it stable at the level. Everything should be okay after a few weeks. You really don't need all those weird additives. Also good to add Kalk to your top up water.

roger that

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

realized the problem i might be facing could be due to water change. (realize kh drops each time i do water change).

i am using irwana di water and fritz pro salt, made a small amount to do my test today.

result is:

alk: around 6.1 ~ 6.4

mg: 1140

ca: 390

sal level i used: 1.023~1.024

any others using fritz salt can help verify? or am i mixing my salt wrongly (just started to do it before i bought ready mixed).

if the kh is really at that range and considering my inital KH was probably high due to adding coraline gro from seachem earlier on, each time i change water will cause a drop.

Last WC i did was on 30/04. kh dropped from a constant of 8.6 for 5 days or 25/04 - 30/04 (amount of time i changed from redsea to salifert test kit), to 8.3 (which has remained constant till today.

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