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  • SRC Member

Hi fellow reefers. I believe some are still using ZEOVit system for their reef. Juz wanted to find out where to get them locally, stable supply, in LFS? Wanted to get coral snow & coral vitalizer to try out. Thks in advance.

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  • SRC Member

Yes, perhaps you are right. I am trying to find them but so far, no success. Thought Zeovit users would know where to get them here. Guess would have to order online.

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Yes, perhaps you are right. I am trying to find them but so far, no success. Thought Zeovit users would know where to get them here. Guess would have to order online.

Instead of Zeovit, you can try Fauna Marin Ultralith.

I am using it with good results and I also don't get those overly pastel SPS associated with zeovit.

You can check out the below links for more info:



Fauna Marin is easily available in Singapore through several of our sponsors.

Hope that helps.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Bro, can PM me more on this negative side, so i can hve more guide. So far i hve been reading good reviews & their corals colors are super. None on negative side. Maybe those meet with failures juz keep quiet, which is human nature- paiseh. I behave like that also. :P<br /><br />Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2<br /><br />

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I think the Zeovite have not really perform to what it claim. That why many people have given up using them including myself.

<br /><br />Truthfully speaking there never have one solution that is working for everyone even bio pellet cyano issue have still been there. Yes there have been a lot of mystery on zeovit but there have been cases who managed to work .

Humble tank :

Size: 4x2.5x2 ft - Display 

Equipment :

Return 1 : Ecotech marine L1

Return 2 : Ecotech marine M1

CR : Skimz CM122 - Caribsea extra course media with Grotech magnesium

Light : ATI 8x54W



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  • SRC Member

Yes, Bro chercm. I agree strongly with you on what u mentioned above. One tank's solution might be another's poison. ZeoVit have a lot of mystery due to their founder don't revel what is being used inside their products. But I am just curious on how effective is their coral vitalizer & coral snow only. Don't intend to go full ZeoVite as I have already achieved ULNS with biopellets & rowa. Now looking for solutions to tweak coral colors. Currently using fauna marine but does not see much results with red & blue except green & reef vitality. So, maybe wanted to try out ZeoVit to see whether they can bring out the colors more. Hopefully will work in my case.

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