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Hailea HC150A Chiller not cooling


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Hi all, I recently bought a second-hand chiller from the AQ forum last weekend and I just set it up. However, the temperature remains at 28.6deg since 40mins ago though I set it at 26deg. And now the temp has gone up to 28.7 deg.

My max pump flowrate is 1200l/hr but I've set the flow down so that it is compatible with this chiller's specs.

There's the humming sound coming from the chiller and I can feel some air coming out from the back of the chiller. I've msged the seller again and he said maybe there's a need to top up gas.

Anyone knows where I can do this? And how much it will cost?

Thanks in advance.

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It's not hot. Feels like slight warm air. Yeah I connected the feeding pump to the in (inflow), and the output water which flows back to the tank isn't cold. The temp went up by 0.1deg after 40mins. Now I've switched off the chiller and reverted back to my fan.

Anyone can give me any advice in this issue?

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Mine is a 1.5ft cube. If there's no more gas meaning that there is a leak right?
Yes. That's right. One symptom of a gas leak / no gas is the air coming out from behind is cool or just not hot. I don't know how true, but one of the service technicians recommended in the forum told me, if its a Hailea, and no gas, no point calling him down cause he can't do anything also. But yeah, that was what I was told when I called him last time.
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Yes. That's right. One symptom of a gas leak / no gas is the air coming out from behind is cool or just not hot. I don't know how true, but one of the service technicians recommended in the forum told me, if its a Hailea, and no gas, no point calling him down cause he can't do anything also. But yeah, that was what I was told when I called him last time.

I called Derrick (got his contacts from one of the threads here) and he told me the same. No point topping up gas or to repair/change the components. Might as well get a new chiller. Well, thanks all for your advice!

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i suppose it can repair but not worth it. the parts + labour, you may as well get new ones as they are already cheap.

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thats why china brand only give 6 months warranty.

whilst teco give 1yr, and artica give 2 yrs. (might need correction)

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Hi bro,

Why not get a new Hailea HS28A from Petmart. Price cheaper compare to other LFS, 300 with 1 year warranty.


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