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LPS corals for sale

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  • SRC Member

Decided to convert my tank to FOWLR for the time being while battling nitrate problems, so have no choice but to sell my beloved LPS for now.

Pictures are of the original corals. Sizes and polyp count provided are an estimation and are for reference only. Collection location is near ABC Market (behind Bt Merah Ikea and across the road from Queensway shopping centre). Please PM me to arrange.

1. Red Cynarina (about 3") - $35


2. Blastomussa merletti (not the usual blasto, but the uncommon "mini" one) (didn't count, but should have at least 100 polyps/heads on a 4" diameter rock) - $90


3. Elegance coral (7" - blocked by rocks in picture so it looks smaller) - $40


4. Green Hammer coral (4") - $25 and Purple Frogspawn coral (5") - $30




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Hammer, frogspawn and elegance available.

Veronica is the most ridiculous buyer ever. Ask me to hold for her for 2 weeks, but 3 weeks later still refuse to commit to collection. But still want me to keep holding for her indefinitely with no deposit and at my risk. Ridiculous. Sellers beware when dealing with her in future.

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Hammer, frogspawn and elegance available.

Veronica is the most ridiculous buyer ever. Ask me to hold for her for 2 weeks, but 3 weeks later still refuse to commit to collection. But still want me to keep holding for her indefinitely with no deposit and at my risk. Ridiculous. Sellers beware when dealing with her in future.

You are not the only one kena from her. Some of my friends also have some idiotic encounters from her. I have doubt over her rating in her profile. Anyway, she already blacklisted from most of the west reefer.

All the best to your sales.

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i hv already say i would like to collecr on wed and i am busy with wk and study... and this is my first time i never collect my stuff....orsony u don anyhw say!!!! who tat person just say.... pls don anyhw talk without knwing anything... stupid ppl... he is the one who don wan to sell me!!!!

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just to let u all guys knw tat i am wkin in a marine company and i am having exam nw... my uncle just when in hospital last 2 weeks so i was very busy with my stuff ... pls understand... is nt i don wan to collect... i have make a few time appointment with him but he was busy and the timin is nt right as i finish my wk and study is already after 10pm but his house cant collect after 10pm... i am sry to cause this type of misunderstanding... mosting all my item collect from ppl here and there is ppl out there also knw my timing as i only can collect in the nite and is very late... pls don anyhw talk bad about me as this is my first time i am hvin this problem..... And this is my first time i forgot it... so is not ALOT OF TIME ...

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  • SRC Member

You are not the only one kena from her. Some of my friends also have some idiotic encounters from her. I have doubt over her rating in her profile. Anyway, she already blacklisted from most of the west reefer.

All the best to your sales.

Like your friends I also have an 'idiotic' encounter from her. Plus lots of grandmother stories.

Also, watch out for her so called 'friend' as he/she is known to 'aeroplane' as well.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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  • SRC Member

just to let u all guys knw tat i am wkin in a marine company and i am having exam nw... my uncle just when in hospital last 2 weeks so i was very busy with my stuff ... pls understand... is nt i don wan to collect... i have make a few time appointment with him but he was busy and the timin is nt right as i finish my wk and study is already after 10pm but his house cant collect after 10pm... i am sry to cause this type of misunderstanding... mosting all my item collect from ppl here and there is ppl out there also knw my timing as i only can collect in the nite and is very late... pls don anyhw talk bad about me as this is my first time i am hvin this problem..... And this is my first time i forgot it... so is not ALOT OF TIME ...

After all the grandmother stories, the fact is that you still have not collected the items.

Bro illumnae, sorry for hijacking your thread, but I'm backing you up on this one regarding your quote:

"Veronica is the most ridiculous buyer ever".

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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After all the grandmother stories, the fact is that you still have not collected the items.

Bro illumnae, sorry for hijacking your thread, but I'm backing you up on this one regarding your quote:

"Veronica is the most ridiculous buyer ever".

pls know tat i wan to collect on wed and tat he wat he say tat i can collect on wed but last min he say he don wan to sell me!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hv the watapps in my hp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u knw nthin don say anythin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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  • SRC Member

Lets get this straight. I did not say that you did not collect the stuff from me.

I'm just sharing my experience of 'idiotic encounter' like what others said. And stop quoting my reply when you're referring to someone else. You're just making a fool out of yourself here.

Enough said.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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Lets get this straight. I did not say that you did not collect the stuff from me.

I'm just sharing my experience of 'idiotic encounter' like what others said. And stop quoting my reply when you're referring to someone else. You're just making a fool out of yourself here.

Enough said.

i never even tell u grandmother story... u have ur time on collecting the item i also ned to find time to collect right? somemore is tat time i go over gt traffic jam......

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Lets get this straight. I did not say that you did not collect the stuff from me.

I'm just sharing my experience of 'idiotic encounter' like what others said. And stop quoting my reply when you're referring to someone else. You're just making a fool out of yourself here.

Enough said.

Let me refresh her memory for the idiotic encounters

1) plate - seller selling $30 and honestly told her the cost price but she told seller off of his honesty and said she not a carrot. just for $5 profit.

2) skimmer - she claimed she doesn't know how to measure her sump tank

3) shrimp - still pending for your collection

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  • SRC Member

Guys i think it will be better for these things to be taken on private or on another different channel rather than on this bro sales threads.

Anyway up for your sales :thumbsup:



Maxspect Gyre

Maxspect Razer 120w 16k

H2O FR with Rowa

Eheim Universal 2400

BM Nac 5.5

JBJ Arctica 1/10Hp

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  • SRC Member

Hi all, it's ok. I'm not trying to stir up any trouble here, but just pointing out my experiences with this ridiculous buyer, who seems to have problems with other sellers too.

veronica, I gave you one final chance to collect on Wednesday since it's a public holiday, and what was your response? "Dunno if my dad working or not". I told you you could take cab, bus or mrt and your response again? "Cab very ex!". Then I told you if you wanted me to keep it for you any longer it would have to be at your risk because I'm doing you a favour by holding it so long, I should not be the one exposed to the risk in case anything happens (If you recall, I gave you the example of power failure happen at my house while endlessly waiting for you to collect and coral die how?). It's not fair to me since I have other buyers interested in getting the corals, but I reserved them for you for what was supposed to be only 2 weeks out of goodwill. You just kept making excuses and going "wah how can?", at which point I was sick of your procrastination and unreasonableness and told you I was no longer willing to sell it to you. Only after I told you I didn't want to sell it to you anymore, then you kept starting to pester me to say you wanted to collect it to Wednesday. All I can say is too bad, you've pushed me to the point where I'd rather keep the coral or throw it away than to sell it to a ridiculous buyer such as you. You are the most self centred and irresponsible person I have had the misfortune of encountering, and by far the worst buyer I have ever met on any forum that I have participated in. Please feel free to screencap and show the whatsapp conversation in its entirety if you wish, it will just verify what I said above.

Sorry everyone for the drama on this thread. Mods please feel free to delete all inappropriate posts. I was just trying to highlight a problematic buyer so others can be careful when dealing with her.

Is it possible for this thread to be closed for now? I will post another sales thread with the remaining corals at a later date when the fuss has died down.

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