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My tank


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hi.... tank parameter are :

- 4ft tank with built in filter (on th left side)

- using weipro 2012 with weipro 3000

- 4 x ATI T5 lights (thank to dr evil)

- tom 800 powerhead

- no sump

- Amonia, nitrites = 0

- nitrate = 5 .... (quite impossible to get 0 w/o sump)

- about 30 kg live rock

- 2 True clown

- 1 purple tip anemome

- 2 cleaner shrimp

- 2 emerald crab

- 1 peppermint shrimp

- 1 boxer shrimp

- 1 bubble

- 1 sun coral

- 1 black coral

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  • SRC Member

man.. really like your sun corals.. where do you guy get these suncorals? Never seen them in real life before..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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thanks guys :bow: i got the black sun coral from lim chu kang outside farmmart ... the first shop near the gate .... bargain from $22 to $18 :angry: ... almost gave up .... but finally gave in cause been finding it for quite long ... :D yes jc85 my DSB is about 5 inches initial use AZOO denitrator (used 2 bottle) dammed ex :pinch: ... havenot use it for more than a month now ... think DSB and skimmer doing their job ;)

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