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Duns for a lionfish tank

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Recently i've got into a liking of Lionfish. Sigh.. guess old habit can't change.. i've always like predatory pets so far... scorpions.. tarantula... snakes... i guess i'll change for a better when i love nemo!! but no.. the Lionfish make my blood boil again. LOL

SO.. i was surfing the net and came across some tips in keeping it. Most common knowledge is do not keep anything smaller than the Lionfish but Lion fish can grow to quite big, so it's still a caution still, noother triger fish.

Other than these, i' ve seen advise on caution as it's not totally ref safe. So what are the other things to avoid when you intend to keep one? Like what corals is a nono, and stuff like that. Kindly all Lions out there advise? thank you.

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by not totally reef safe you mean? Any links to your doubts? .. I think liones do not bite so I dun see why its not totally reef safe..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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Lions are perfectly reef safe unless u are suggesting their heavy bioload which causes high nitrates and thus, affecting your corals. Otherwise, they are perfect!:)

Do read up before keeping one. They are not as hardy as they look and all species differ.

Good luck.

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I have 3 lion fish in my tank about 2 inches and I never seen them trying to attack me. My hands almost evryday is inside the tank trying to arrange my corals and stuff.

They are easy to keep very hardy and nice to feed cuase they swollow evrthing

Now im looking for blackish colour lion fish but need to find a small one...



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lionfishes are reefsafe..but never invert. safe...most reefers like to keep cleaner shrimps ain their reef tanks...so that is a no no if lion fishes are kept.

I used to have one on my reeftank, they dont bother about the corals.

If any, its just careless knocking down of some corals that I did not put them properly ;)

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  DeepBlue said:
lionfishes are reefsafe..but never invert. safe...most reefers like to keep cleaner shrimps ain their reef tanks...so that is a no no if lion fishes are kept.

I used to have one on my reeftank, they dont bother about the corals.

If any, its just careless knocking down of some corals that I did not put them properly ;)

Dunno leh.. I think lionfishes' ferocity is just overated... They look fierce and all but actually they are quite calm and, infact I find them passive. Try to touch them and they will just swim away.. eating live fishes is just a way of live for them..

In fact I think my fire shrimp is the bully in my tank.. always disturbing other LSs. :lol:

Funny thing is, I have a camel shrimp in my tank and the lion never eats it. You all shoud know how small camel shrimps are.. if the lion wants to eat it, it will surely do.. Also I have smalll gobies and blennys and still nothing.

Think they also quite fussy eaters.. they prefer fishes to shrimps..

Anybody knows if they eat Neon Tetras? They are going for 10 for $2.. Was thinking of changing its diet once in a while but not sure what live feed is good.. of course not clowns or damsels (like some suggested.. :P ), too ex..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  arcanehacker said:
Funny thing is, I have a camel shrimp in my tank and the lion never eats it. You all shoud know how small camel shrimps are.. if the lion wants to eat it, it will surely do.. Also I have smalll gobies and blennys and still nothing.

Hmm, how interesting... My dwarf is very alert. Everytime something goes into the tank he would quickly investigate, and determine if it's food.

Once my friend used my tank as a holding bay for its clowns and damsels (still in the plastic bag of course). Immediately the dwarf came to check. Within minutes, it started to "attack" the LS. Even though the clowns and damsels are bagged, they still jumped as if on fire. :lol:

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  arcanehacker said:

Dunno leh.. I think lionfishes' ferocity is just overated... They look fierce and all but actually they are quite calm and, infact I find them passive. Try to touch them and they will just swim away.. eating live fishes is just a way of live for them..

In fact I think my fire shrimp is the bully in my tank.. always disturbing other LSs. :lol:

Funny thing is, I have a camel shrimp in my tank and the lion never eats it. You all shoud know how small camel shrimps are.. if the lion wants to eat it, it will surely do.. Also I have smalll gobies and blennys and still nothing.

Think they also quite fussy eaters.. they prefer fishes to shrimps..

Anybody knows if they eat Neon Tetras? They are going for 10 for $2.. Was thinking of changing its <A TITLE="Click for more information about diet" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||diet|AA1VDw">diet</A> once in a while but not sure what live feed is good.. of course not clowns or damsels (like some suggested.. :P ), too ex..

My previous lions eat the tetras....

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  Volitan said:

Hmm, how interesting... My dwarf is very alert. Everytime something goes into the tank he would quickly investigate, and determine if it's food.

Once my friend used my tank as a holding bay for its clowns and damsels (still in the plastic bag of course). Immediately the dwarf came to check. Within minutes, it started to "attack" the LS. Even though the clowns and damsels are bagged, they still jumped as if on fire. :lol:

really?.... maybe mine's tame.. :P .. really.. my mandarine goby and scooter blenny are also bite size .. the lione didn't even bother to look at them.. :D

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  KCK said:

My previous lions eat the tetras....

tetras as in? Neon tetras? .. was asking about it... if true I go buy liao.. 10 for $2.. :P

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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I dont think feeding tetras in the long run will be good for the lionfish. Freshwater fishes lack certain nutrition that marine fishes need. Try visiting the market place n buy marine species that are of suitable sizes instead. Try lancefish. :)

Always something more important than fish.


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  FuEl said:
I dont think feeding tetras in the long run will be good for the lionfish. Freshwater fishes lack certain nutrition that marine fishes need. Try visiting the market place n buy marine species that are of suitable sizes instead. Try lancefish.  :)

I dun believe in weaning the lion to dead food (just my opinion :P ). So I got very little choices. Shrimps? Lions prefer fishes to shrimps. Bought a packet of FW shrimps (live) before. Not really well received by the lion.

So only FW mollies. Alternatives? Never seen $2 packet of SW feed before :( besides brine shrimps which are too puny and messy.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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hmmm.. maybe LFS should sell live ikan bilis as live feed... they are SW fishes right?

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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Fresh water feed is no good for your lions in the long run as mentioned by fuel. U can try lancefish, they come in a pack. Can get from reb@#n. Or try this. Go down to on of the fishing shops along beach road. They sometimes have salt water shrimp we use as bait. Of course your lion has got to be big enough to use that.

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  angry said:
Fresh water feed is no good for your lions in the long run as mentioned by fuel. U can try lancefish, they come in a pack. Can get from reb@#n. Or try this. Go down to on of the fishing shops along beach road. They sometimes have salt water shrimp we use as bait. Of course your lion has got to be big enough to use that.

and they need to be frozen right.. guess what.. I do not have a fridge.. hahh.. :lol: .. spoil liao and never repair..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  angry said:
Fresh water feed is no good for your lions in the long run as mentioned by fuel. U can try lancefish, they come in a pack. Can get from reb@#n. Or try this. Go down to on of the fishing shops along beach road. They sometimes have salt water shrimp we use as bait. Of course your lion has got to be big enough to use that.

Hi Angry

The lancefish and shrimps you mentioned - are they live or dead food? Do you know exactly where to get them, ie address or directions? :P:thanks:

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Hey Volitan,

The lancefish comes as frozen food, can get them at reborn. As for the live saltwater shrimp, i dun have the exact addie from beacd rd. I think any fishing shop will sell them. But they come in quite big sizes. Gotta try ur luck bro:) Hows the angler doin? Getting bigger i suppose:)

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  angry said:
Hey Volitan,

The lancefish comes as frozen food, can get them at reborn. As for the live saltwater shrimp, i dun have the exact addie from beacd rd. I think any fishing shop will sell them. But they come in quite big sizes. Gotta try ur luck bro:) Hows the angler doin? Getting bigger i suppose:)

I am still trying means to get it to eat frozen food. But it does not seem interested leh... :sick:

How does this lancefish look like? Machiam Ikan Bilis is it?

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