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nemo torn fin

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  • SRC Member

Hi scanman, what's the size different between the two? I've got my 2 percular from CF two abt 6mths back. Bought as two seperate fish than try to pair them in my tank, now they are paired up already. The smaller one was half the size of the big one. Int the small one also got bitten and chased around but after two weeks they started to pair up.

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  • SRC Member

How long have this been going on? If it's more than a week or two, advice is to send it to the hospital <_< Let it recover first. Most imp it must eat, all fishes are the same, once they stop eating, their immunity drop and they start dying on you. The small one that I've got int also got broken fins and abit of white patches ard the top fin and two/three spots on the body but after making a 20% water change, it start recovering. Usually a 20% water change does help in the recovering of sick fishes, esp white spots.

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If you dun want to stress the fish, then go tto try the garlic, either you fresh squeeze it into the food u are feeding them or buy those bottled garlic solution and add....this may not cure but will raise immunity to dieases.....

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