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CO2 tank


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  • SRC Member
wah....the more I try to find out about this...the more chim...

OK...to make it simple for me, looking at it, can I make do? or go change the regulator needle valve??

tomorrow got to spend more time reading this thread one more time <_<:upsidedown:

haha...that's the problem with Internet, Too much Information...

Yours is a set that comes with the solenoid.

I think you can just continue to use it (if you trust the previous owner do take care of it), just that when you turn on the Valve on the Cylinder, do it slowly, bit by bit (especially when the cylinder is full). This is to avoid breaking the pressure guage in the first meter and spoilt the regulator (which may cause the 1st meter to fly off in serious case liek my.)

on the solenoid (that small rectangular piece before you attached your air hose), there should be a switch for you to off it, since you most likely wouldn't need it to control on/off in the initial stage as stated in Joe_P earlier posting, so no need to waste electricity.

try to tune the bubble per second according to your Ca Reactor requirements. Only when you can't reach the slower rate, than consider to change to a better fine tuner.

For air hose, you can use the silicon type (more flexible) or the industrial harden type. Avoid using the normal air hose as it will be harden and leak.

hope this will give you a good sleep tonight! :angel:

If you need assistance to install....have a open house and ricordea frag as door gift lor....I'll be no 1 there! :evil:

plus many others....

or make my dream comes true lor (while you and At can continue the dream) :whistle

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Hmmm..sorry to hijack..just asking a question...I've got a half-full CO2 cylinder at home with solenoid and regulator....been collecting dust for about a year already...

Is it advisable to leave the tank like that? Will I have to empty the gas if not it might just explode one day? Think I'm paranoid..but last time I refill for people before...the gush of CO2 rushing out is really scary!

Always something more important than fish.


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Thank Nutx....the advice I really needed....too chim astro science thing I tend to be too lazy to think further....... :lol:

I leave it to Joe _P to help me lor ;)

I am just going to fill up the CO2 and see Joe_P in action :lol::lol::lol:

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  • SRC Member

looks like DeepBlue is having headache just like me a couple of mths back understanding and searching for info... :D Finally, i made the decision based on "Peace of Mind" by spending reasonable $$ coz CO2 leakage into the air may pose a small problem, but going into the tank bcs of the quality of the needle valve and soleniod Heating Up are more serious in the long run. ;)

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CO2 attacks silicone thus do not use silicone tubing for your tanks . Use the normal pvc plastic air hose.

For regulator you can use a normal oxygen gas regulator with a Nupro Swagelok precision needle valve. ($60 for the regulator and $100 for the valve)

The solenoid brand is Burkert and is German made. Very reliable.

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