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Homicide/Suicide Bombing aftermath video


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Homicide/Suicide Bombing aftermath video taken on 29th January 2004 in Jerusaleum.

Beware! Extreme gore with mangled body parts.

Download from Israeli Ministry of Foreign Afffairs

Be thankful that we live in a place where such things don't happen regularly and you don't have to fear for yourself or loved ones. I think this video helps people not from Israel understand the fear they live in.


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I have the file on my computer, it's 57 meg but I don't think you wanna host it. Maybe there are too many people downloading it. Try later.

Must see.


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My wife & I hope to go to Israel in May, depending on our saving as this hobby costs dearly, especially in the initial setup.

We've been there thrice, the last 2 times being free & easy, just my wife & I for 3 weeks (per visit). We rent a small cheap room, walked many hours a day, drive (rent a car), take public bus, cook, go marketing, shopping, etc and most importantly, religious/archeological sites.

The drivers are very impatient at traffic junctions in this sequence: RED light; horn; green light immediately followed. Traffic accidents killed more than bombings. But bombing put lots of fear in people.

But it is still safe in Israel. We walked around at midnight, took public transport, without incident. The place is very clean too and Israel reminds me of Singapore. But the cost of living is VERY high.

IMO & IME (emphasised), the only place that is not safe at night and constantly watch out for pickpocket in the day is the arab area in old city.

Why I intend to go in May? It's Spring and the desert will be covered with flowers & lilies.

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Doesn't it make you angry to see that? There were definitely school children onboard with all those files and school bag. What's the point of all this shit?


I would love to go to Israel and see the Negev and Dead Sea but it's not the best time to go now.


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Israel is where I have always wanted to go and is still planning for the trip and giving myself max of 5 years' grace. Let's hope nothing will deter my plans... :(

And I do know of some Israelites and hearing them share about their lives...sigh...we in Singapore are really been 'sheltered'... :angel:

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Was in Israel in 1996 and we visited a shopping center where the front glass door was bombed the day before. The news report makes it sounds like the situation was very bad. However when you were actually there all seems so peaceful.

The only difference is the glass door has gone MIA and lots of flowers and candles.

So it might be not as bad as what you get from the media.

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The flower and candles are there because people died. :(


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Doesn't it make you angry to see that? There were definitely school children onboard with all those files and school bag. What's the point of all this shit?

Nice to see someone pointing it out, particularly that coming from a War Junkie? :D

Well, its not the attrition, but the attention they want.

There's a history behind why the Israelites are in the Middle East.

We may discuss this but it has its sensitivities.

The Middle East is a beautiful country, almost as mysterious and seeped in culture as Asia (well, it is in Asia...). I would also very much like to visit that part of the world.

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  • SRC Member
Was in Israel in 1996 and we visited a shopping center where the front glass door was bombed the day before. The news report makes it sounds like the situation was very bad. However when you were actually there all seems so peaceful.

The only difference is the glass door has gone MIA and lots of flowers and candles.

So it might be not as bad as what you get from the media.

Peaceful, the place is.

But bombings, you know not when. :(

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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You know they had soldiers performing bag checks,guarding everywhere, underground passageway, subways, shopping center entrance, crowded places etc etc

Before you board the plane for their airline, subject you to "interview" etc.

However all these still does not prevent all the bombings.

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If the Israelis put down their arms, they will all die. If the terrorists out down their arms, all will have peace.

Jerusaleum and Israel belong to the Jews in the first place. Palestine as a state does not exist and never existed.



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Ironically the muslim states have never succeeded in defeating the Jews after numerous attempts. Quite sad act if I must say. Jordan, Syria and Egypt are the ones who "In the end kanna wack terlok" and lost land and even the holy city to Israel.


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When they just gain independance they did not have immediate help from "big brother". See what machines they used against the invaders?

Another side that most pple are that aware is that after WWII, the jews starts to return to their homeland. However they found their homeland occupied by the Palestinians.

Some of them resorted to extreme terroristism to try to get the Palestinians out of their homeland.

Then there is reaction against action and end up no choice UN stepped in.

But then until today still cannot settle.

But I tell you, if someone gang up with all your neighbours wack you and like 6 against one but you won the fight and took over part of their garden which is strategically important. Do you think you want to return it back to your neighbour and then get the risk of getting wacked again and no guarantuee of winning the next fight.

Now do you know why they die die don't want to return the golan heights which is a very pretty place in spring when all the yellow flowers bloom there.

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  • SRC Member
Was in Israel in 1996 and we visited a shopping center where the front glass door was bombed the day before. The news report makes it sounds like the situation was very bad. However when you were actually there all seems so peaceful.

The only difference is the glass door has gone MIA and lots of flowers and candles.

So it might be not as bad as what you get from the media.

They cleaned up immediately after the police, military and medic had done their job. They are a strong people and want to move on.

In what way are they strong? They don't show their grief vividly nor chant for blood nor "celebrate" IN FRONT OF CAMERA. They don't exploit the foreign media at the expense of the dead. (I watch CNN & BBC very regularly, at the expense of local news reporting)

Until now when suicide bombing in Israel is "legitimate" and UN does not comdemn such act explicitly (The Straits Time has a report recently that Algieria does not support such a motion, and this is not the 1st time). That is why they need to show the world the terrible scene and the dead innocents to remind them that this is as bad as Sept 11.

The situation is BAD, just that the people want to move on

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It's historically their own homeland and heritage and the very basis of an age-old religion that explains why its so important for the jews need to return to Israel.

If there is finally peace there... it would mean that something's bad gonna happen... for those who believe biblical prophecies. ;)

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