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TOTQ - SPS biased?


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Anything wrong with that? Everyone got its own right to say about himself. Come on man! Move on lah!

Nothing wrong with having own rights to say about himself.

But calling people name is not so right thou. Doesn't matter how senior one is.

Try asking reefers in this forum about that.

Moving on... B)


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Where are all the suggestion when we needed it most when we started the TOTQ again in year 2011 ? We have 2000 over view on that thread but only a few suggestion ? Not until someone started a topic that we are biased toward sps tank winner that we have so many feedback pouring in pointing out error ect... When is your last time you offer some good advice to newbie in the community that asked for help ? Come on, this is a reefing community and not a political community. Our mission here is to promote the hobby , and share the knowledge of upkeeing a sucssessful marine tank. We try our best to be open to idea but where is it when we needed it most ? We can't answer to all every members in the community here for everything we do cos that would be a government job ? Our mission here is just to promote the hobby ,share proper knowledge to encourage more people taking up this hobby, and no one paid a membership fees to join SRC. This hobby are make up of hobbist , LFS and related dry goods shop so what is wrong if we patronize one of the favorite shop or products and show our appreciation toward them ? I bet every reefer have their favorite LFS or shop which they patronize, dont you ?. It is up to oneself to decide if that shop or products is worth patronizing. If you read the section clearly , only two of the TOTQ are awarded with prizes and they only obtained the winning prizes after being featured. None of the winner even mention the sponsored products in their own winning thread . The sponsor are taking out from their own pocket in view of promoting the hobby through the TOTQ just like us and may expect nothing in return. The local reefing scene is already very small, and we had already see some of our favourite LFS like reborn, harlequin marine ect closing their business last few year , and the last thing we want to see is another one our favorite LFS suffering the same fate so please reef on. :cheers:

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Agreed with Larry's points.........especially the last paragraph................the leases of the LFS at Pasir Ris is expiring very soon.............hopefully, all of them still want to be in the business and relocate to places which are accessible to all reefers, not just those who drive.............

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H A P P Y A P R I L F O O L S D A Y!!!!

Brought to you kum quat hor sin sai jui ho jia ho pi ho bua no nonsense ta ko yio

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and I wouldn't mind being one of the sponsors if Sgreefclub decides to hold Nano TOTQ or TOTM one day..............
Uncle Jon! Sponsor me a car la!
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Larry, it's about supply and demand plus customer service too. Not enough demand, supply will go down. Hence the lesser marine lfs. Happening in the freshwater area too but that area is worst off. I believe pricing is the key in patronage but there are lfs that bucks the trend. Cost of living too play a part, if utilities bill keep rising, the average joe have to maneuver to keep expenses down, hence spending more to buy lower wattage equipment which cost more but then they have little remain to spend on livestock. If this goes on, lesser reefer will exist which in turn support less lfs.

Back to the topic. Hope the forum keep doing the good job it is doing but expect curiosity from the forum member to exist as enquiring minds are good and benefit the forum. Where would a forum be without their members? With the good comes the bad too, like in the real world. So let's start off with getting the question answered and then move on.


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Larry, it's about supply and demand plus customer service too. Not enough demand, supply will go down. Hence the lesser marine lfs. Happening in the freshwater area too but that area is worst off. I believe pricing is the key in patronage but there are lfs that bucks the trend. Cost of living too play a part, if utilities bill keep rising, the average joe have to maneuver to keep expenses down, hence spending more to buy lower wattage equipment which cost more but then they have little remain to spend on livestock. If this goes on, lesser reefer will exist which in turn support less lfs.

Back to the topic. Hope the forum keep doing the good job it is doing but expect curiosity from the forum member to exist as enquiring minds are good and benefit the forum. Where would a forum be without their members? With the good comes the bad too, like in the real world. So let's start off with getting the question answered and then move on.


BFG, you are a mods in AQ as well , and i believe your main role is to promote the hobby helping newbie on their journey in the hobby and not focusing on answering to each and every moderation decision you made to every members . All question has been self answered isn't it ? Since it is all along being found on the TOTQ section since 2011 ?

Yes, the overall local aquarium trade is not as good as before and the last thing we need is another wet blanket.

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To me, whether TOTQ is commerically driven or driven by small group of people is not very important, we need to focus on the key objectives. That is create awareness amd promote the interest of marine aquarium. So that there is more people into this hobby.

Once there is more demand, then there will be more LFS emerge and the cost of the hobby will be lowered just like in Hong Kong. I also heard one of the LFS imports their fishes/corals from Hong Kong, then means the cost is not cheap as it is down stream in the distribution channel. Becasue we do not have the volume as compared to the Hong Kong market.

I hope from this forum, people (newbie or senior) will learn from each other and prevent the failure in their tanks (both FOWLR and reef) so that they will not get discouraged from this hobby due to high cost of failure.

Of course, the judging TOTQ must be more transparent too.... :) .

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Abit suaku but which forum is AQ? Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 2

AQ = Aquatic Quotient, its a forum well known for its rules against abbreviations and repeated "noobie" questions about the hobby.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
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I am posting this on my own capacity and not as a Mod.

Let's give Larry more time to twitch the system as he is trying his best with limited resources, limited help.

I have some experience organizing such things and can attest it is tough and organizer generally have to do all works from Marketing, Getting Sponsors, Setting Rules and Guidelines, Handling Logistics, Judging etc etc.

For those who have seen SRC transformed since Larry's ownership, you will know that he has done an awesome job.

Previously, Singapore have 2 forums and both forum owners does not used the funds generated from the forum for the forumers. After Larry's ownership, we have TOTQ, we have Fish Fair, we also get to buy well designed T-shirts. If this is not decent efforts, I don't know what is?

Some of you may not know, some forums are owned by individuals but SRC is owned by a company. This difference to me is very important because if it is a company, it means that the entity have to do proper accounting and also cannot use the funds for their own "glorification".

As a Chairman of Marine Aquarist Society (Singapore), I have also approached many organizations to further our cause and I have seen many "agendas" of such organizations that I find surprising and disappointing but SRC has by far came across to be reliable and trustworthy.

Just my 2 cents.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
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IMHO it doesn't really matter who have won the TOTQ.

One thing for sure is that all the tank whom have won it are beautiful.

Marine community in Singapore are rather small and sgreef provide us with a wonderful platform to both share and learn.

Main reason i love about this forum is that it's a peaceful local community with many wonderful people willing to help.

Lets just work hard together who know's the next winner will be you :thumbsup:

Cheers guys!



Maxspect Gyre

Maxspect Razer 120w 16k

H2O FR with Rowa

Eheim Universal 2400

BM Nac 5.5

JBJ Arctica 1/10Hp

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AQ = Aquatic Quotient, its a forum well known for its rules against abbreviations and repeated "noobie" questions about the hobby.

Correction, AquaticQuotient is a forum for freshwater planted tank. Yes, we do not condone abbreviation as some members might not understand such language.

Larry, yes, I am a moderator over at AquaticQuotient but that has no basis over my presence here. In SRC, I am just a normal member who struggle to maintain his marine tank. I see a member here ask a question, which in turn got me curious and I too ask some question to find out more. Did I do something wrong here? Can't I ask question just because I am a moderator from another forum?

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" To open a can of worms", that's too strong and unnecessary opening statement .

It's right to request change but wrong to hint that the previous selection is unethical .

Respect the past winners for they are truly deserved to be crowned,

Looking forward to a wider range of Reefing TOTQ winners.


Wow didnt realise the fire getting this big.

Alamak bro mike, can of worms I was referring to was the possible emphasis on larger tanks and not smaller ones. There wasn't any intent to insinuate ill will or malice against the winners. In fact, it will be hypocritical on myself if I do so as some of them are my friends. in any case, im sorry.

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Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Correction, AquaticQuotient is a forum for freshwater planted tank. Yes, we do not condone abbreviation as some members might not understand such language.

Larry, yes, I am a moderator over at AquaticQuotient but that has no basis over my presence here. In SRC, I am just a normal member who struggle to maintain his marine tank. I see a member here ask a question, which in turn got me curious and I too ask some question to find out more. Did I do something wrong here? Can't I ask question just because I am a moderator from another forum?

No one is stopping you to ask question, and we did not flame you because of this .We are out here trying to help this hobby, but we cant tolerate people who don't contribute but giving remarks when all the information is already there since 2011. If i have learnt i teach, if i have been given i give back to the community and this is what i learn.

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No one is stopping you to ask question, and we did not flame you because of this .We are out here trying to help this hobby, but we cant tolerate people who don't contribute but giving remarks when all the information is already there since 2011. If i have learnt i teach, if i have been given i give back to the community and this is what i learn.

Hmmm, I thought I contributed by alerting you of some multi-nicker here in the past as well as answer some post in the forum as other member has. Nice move using the signature over from AQ, but it really goes like this- If you've learnt, teach, if you have, give.

Herein lies the end of the lesson. :)

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Correction, AquaticQuotient is a forum for freshwater planted tank. Yes, we do not condone abbreviation as some members might not understand such language.

Larry, yes, I am a moderator over at AquaticQuotient but that has no basis over my presence here. In SRC, I am just a normal member who struggle to maintain his marine tank. I see a member here ask a question, which in turn got me curious and I too ask some question to find out more. Did I do something wrong here? Can't I ask question just because I am a moderator from another forum?

I accept your correction as it is your forum mangement and policies and have respected that when I am in AQ. And I hope you will do the same too.

Anyway, be it AQ or SRC, all forum are open to anyone to read and I am sure the public will be able to judge.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
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Correction, AquaticQuotient is a forum for freshwater planted tank. Yes, we do not condone abbreviation as some members might not understand such language.

Larry, yes, I am a moderator over at AquaticQuotient but that has no basis over my presence here. In SRC, I am just a normal member who struggle to maintain his marine tank. I see a member here ask a question, which in turn got me curious and I too ask some question to find out more. Did I do something wrong here? Can't I ask question just because I am a moderator from another forum?


Correction, you are not a freshwater moderator of a freshwater forum that is here to learn but the leading marine moderator of AQ - http://www.aquaticquotient.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/12-Marine-Tanks.

You know your stuffs, you are assisting in the managing of a forum and now you claim to be a regular member and you have the right to comment as per a regular member?

Sorry brother, that's not how things works in this world. It's just like a Minister of a country going to another country to supports a rally or to give speech, do you think that the latter country's adminsitration will allow it???

"we who teach will be judged more strictly"

Anyway, with the cat out of the bag, I shall leave it to the members to decide whether we have reponded appropriately.


"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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I believe we all need to thank Larry and his team for doing a great job. And the fish fair at IMM is great. It our part as a member to read the requipment for the TOTQ. If any doubt please bring up i believe larry & his team is more willing to help. I know nuts about reefing but through this forum i learn alot. And the past TOTM winner really has skill and i believe their tank really amazed alot of people here do. I believe people here has different view of beauty toward reef tank that attract you. Maybe we should give suggestion on improving the system then questioning Larry & his team. And their effort for making this forum a learning platform for newbie like me.

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